Monday, December 14, 2015

THANK YOU to Henry Sandberg, guest on "The Etheric Home" show...

A special THANK YOU goes out to
Henry Sandberg
who joined Heather Home on
"The Etheric Home" show during our season finale.  Topic was
"Creating And Maintaining A Happy Life"
and Henry was the perfect person to share his thoughts about this on air with our listeners.

Heather Home will return again in the new year on Thursday, January 7th, 2016 (Noon Hour) when she will be offering a guided meditation on "Starting The Year Off In Ways That Matter To You".

If you are interested in getting in touch with Heather Home about being a potential guest on her show, you can contact her at 705-745-8815 or at

If you would like to get in touch with Henry Sandberg about his up-coming course, details are as follows:

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Season Finale of "The Etheric Home" show... "Creating & Maintaining a Happy Life"...

 Yes, it's the Season Finale of
"The Etheric Home" show...

Tune in during the Noon Hour (EST) on
Thursday, December 3rd, 2015
92.7 FM

Host Heather Home will be welcoming returning guest Henry Sandberg to discuss
"Creating & Maintaining A Happy Life"!
 Never fear, Heather will be back again in the new year!  Join her again on Thursday, January 7th, 2016 (Noon Hour) when she will be offering a guided meditation on "Starting The Year Off In Ways That Matter To You".
As a point of interest, Heather Home highly recommends the book titled "14,000 things to be happy about."  This book is a page after page list of things that can make you smile and remember that there are good things in this world.  Heather often reads from it on air and, most definitely, often before sleep which encourages the best of dreams.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Snow Moon, the 12th Esbat...

While many spiritual and nature-based traditions hold to local names and teachings in relation to the moon cycles, there does often seem to be some correlation in what each teaching offers regardless of location.  During this phase, we are dealing with what my faith calls the "Snow Moon" which is the 12th Full Moon since the last Winter Solstice and is considered the 12th Esbat, or Moon Cycle Celebration. (Side note:  this year, 2015, we have 13 moon cycles.)

Teachings that go with this moon phase offer us opportunities to make some changes in our lives, letting go of what is no longer of help to us in this life-phase and, instead, re-focussing our ideals and efforts so that we move toward what we actually want to bring into our lives.  This can be a challenge for some of us since, here in North America, we are moving into the holiday season and our old traditions, as well as expectations from our loved ones, and this can leave us feeling as if we have less power over our lives than we really do.  If this is the case, it is of even greater importance to take this time for reflection and adjustment.

Before our modern age inserted the hustle and bustle of preparation for a busy holiday season, members of our species paid more attention to the natural flow of life that came with the changing of the season.  Once the snows began to move in, our efforts with crops was finished for the year, we had no more canning to do, maintenance on our homes was completed and we were ready for the cold months.  There may have still been some hunting to do to sustain us through the winter, but once snow was on the ground and we left tracks, it also became a greater challenge to hide our locations from the animals being hunted, and so most hunting will have also been finished by this point too.  Lakes are not fully frozen yet, during the Snow Moon phase, and so ice fishing was not yet an option.  We spent more time being indoors, perhaps with some handicrafts to keep us busy and to repair clothing and household items, but for the most part this was a time to simply "Be".  We spent more time reflecting, paying attention to our thoughts and feelings.  We spent more time paying attention to our relationships with those closest to us as we were, at this point, by their sides day and night indoors.  Most of us no longer live a farming lifestyle, however, the Snow Moon is still the perfect phase to allow Self to make some shifts, if only we give ourselves permission to slow down and make some efforts here.

If motive is needed to put this into practice, how about all of those "shoulds" that we experience each year that drive us up the wall?  The obsessions with shopping, the unhealthy spending of exorbitant amounts of money, bracing ourselves for get-togethers with those family members and others who just can't seem to say a kind word.  We do ourselves harm by trying to be oh-so perfect, checking everything off of our to-do lists such as with the cooking and baking and decorating and corresponding and organizing and making sure that we have the right wine to go with everything.  Much of this can actually be fun and rewarding... as long as we let ourselves keep things in line with what actually makes us happy in connecting with our community and loved ones.  However, if things get out of balance and we don't allow ourselves some time to just "Be" we lose track of who we actually are and what we actually want.

The Snow Moon only lasts a few days --- just the time that the moon seems to look full to the naked eye.  We love to see the moon in the sky and spend a moment or two admiring it anyway, so why not use the chance for some time on self-reflection?  Just taking a minute to breathe and come back in to Self lets us feel Ease and Peace.  If we notice that we are not feeling either of these, then taking a few more minutes to ask ourselves why is incredibly important.  Taking a few minutes more to make some healthy decisions can end up truly paying off, both short term and long term.  We can spend 10 minutes in total, or really do ourselves a favour and give ourselves a half hour or hour to daydream about it all and, hopefully, re-align our life paths to directions that we feel more comfortable with, whatever that may look like to us.  We know that exercising our body and mind is important... exercising our Free Will is equally important.

I send out "Snow Moon" wishes to One and All with the hope that you allow yourself the life path you deserve and feel comfortable with.  May all of your self-reflections be happy, and may you recognize your own power.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Spells, Prayers, & Meditation... Next Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshop...

The next Mini Moments Workshop is
Friday, November 20th, 2015
6:45 (7) - 8 pm

@ Light-Worker
205 Sherbrooke St., downtown Peterborough

$10 general
$5 students / seniors / low income

SPELLS, PRAYERS, & MEDITATION.... What are the differences and how can we use them?  

FREE TAKE HOME items for the night, includes handouts... choose from:
* candles
* various types of prayer beads
* prayer cards
* spell bundles
Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshops --- Spend a single hour learning the simplicity of tools you can use to improve your spiritual practices. Universal ideas are framed to be of interest to anyone from any walk of life. Come to one or come to them all. Mini Moments Spiritual Workshops will run every two weeks during this Autumn season
@ LIGHT-WORKER on Sherbrooke St.

Everyone Welcome, whether registering or not. Those who choose to register at least 2 days prior to each workshop will be guaranteed to receive a handout and a take-home item-of-the-night. Those not registered may still receive the Free take-home item of the night if supplies allow.

$10 General
$5 Students / Seniors / Low Income

* Cash Only (unless paying by PayPal or Email Transfer at least 3 business days ahead.
FRIDAY EVENINGS @ 6:45 (7) - 8pm... Please come early to ensure you are settled and ready by the time we start at 7 pm.

Light-Worker ----- 205 Sherbrooke St., rear building, unit #4
705-745-8815 -----

NEXT UP...   (last workshop in the series)

* DECEMBER 4th --- Mirrors & Icons... Display for Meditative Reflection, Affirmations, and Energetic Protection.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

FREE items to take home at this Friday's "Moon Cycles" Workshop...

Reminder:  "Moon Cycles" workshop is this Friday, Nov. 6th, 2015
6:45 (7) - 8 pm
$10 general
$5 students / seniors / low income

@ Light-Worker
205 Sherbrooke St., Rear Building, buzz "Heather Home"
FREE take-home items of the night, choose from:
* tumbled MOONSTONE
* SEEDS for moon magic


scroll down for more info...

Thanks go out to Mark Finnan...

Heather Home of Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
wishes to extend thanks to Mark Finnan for being a wonderful guest on today's episode of
"The Etheric Home" show.

Mark will also be offering a talk at the next meeting of the
Peterborough Dowsers Association
on Monday, November 16th, 2015.
Lions Club Community Centre, 347 Burnham St.
Doors open at 6pm, dowsing begins at 6:30, and Mark's lecture begins at 7pm.
Topic will be "Edgar Cayce:  His Life and Legacy Today".
$10 adults / $5 children

For more information, you can contact
Mark Finnan... 705-745-7188
or check out the Dowsers MeetUp page at

The Etheric Home Show... Mark Finnan on Edgar Cayce and the Shifts Of Our Times...

 Today, Thursday, November 5th, 2015
12 noon - 1pm
92.7 fm

Mark Finnan joins Heather Home on The Etheric Home Show
to discuss Edgar Cayce and the shifts that have taken place in our times.

Edgar Cayce was known as "The Sleeping Prophet", making many predictions about what was to come for our planet, and also creating the A.R.E., the Association for Research and Enlightenment which houses the second largest library on the paranormal... second only to the Vatican.

Mark will also be sharing some information about his up-coming talk with the Peterborough Dowsers Association.  As always, we will be announcing further community events listings for the Spiritual, the Arts, and the Health communities for the Peterborough area.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Moon Cycles... Next Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshop...

"Moon Cycles" --- Theme for the next Mini Moments Workshop
Friday, November 6th, 2015
6:45 (7) - 8 pm

@ Light-Worker
205 Sherbrooke St., downtown Peterborough

$10 general
$5 students / seniors / low income

Nature and spirituality come together with a touch of astrology.

FREE TAKE HOME items for the night, includes handouts... choose from:
* tumbled moon stone
* seeds for moon spells
* moon cycle prayer beads
Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshops --- Spend a single hour learning the simplicity of tools you can use to improve your spiritual practices. Universal ideas are framed to be of interest to anyone from any walk of life. Come to one or come to them all. Mini Moments Spiritual Workshops will run every two weeks during this Autumn season
@ LIGHT-WORKER on Sherbrooke St.
Everyone Welcome, whether registering or not. Those who choose to register at least 2 days prior to each workshop will be guaranteed to receive a handout and a take-home item-of-the-night. Those not registered may still receive the Free take-home item of the night if supplies allow.
$10 General
$5 Students / Seniors / Low Income

* Cash Only (unless paying by PayPal or Email Transfer at least 3 business days ahead.
FRIDAY EVENINGS @ 6:45 (7) - 8pm... Please come early to ensure you are settled and ready by the time we start at 7 pm.
Light-Worker ----- 205 Sherbrooke St., rear building, unit #4
705-745-8815 -----

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week Of The Ancestral / Blood Moon & All Hallow's Eve...

This week we celebrate Nature and her ways of helping us connect to our Ancestors who have 'crossed over', along with the beauty of death / the coming of the end of cycles.

We began the Full Moon phase on Sunday, October 25th, it will pinnacle on Tuesday the 27th, and will finish up on Thursday the 29th.  This can be known as the 11th esbat for some faith systems... the 11th full moon since the last Winter Solstice... and may be known to some as the Blood Moon or Ancestral Moon (not to be confused with a blood moon, such as we had last month, where the moon holds a reddish glow during an eclipse).  The Blood Moon naturally brings us into alignment with our Ancestors who have gone before us.  The veil thins and we tend to call to memory more of our up-bringing, have dreams of our ancestors, and even experience more paranormal activity.  We may find ourselves more sensitive, both physically and emotionally.  Before the advent of the Gregorian calendar, which is based on politics rather than nature, this full moon was when we celebrated "Hallowe'en - like" traditions and recognized our connections to the 'other side'.

For those of us who practice nature-based faith systems, we appreciate and are attuned to the cycles of nature and how, at this time of year, death surrounds us and that it is a beautiful and necessary part of life... without death, we would not have food, clothing, nor shelter.  We tune in to the energies that manifest with this shift.  We bring to mind and honour those of whom came before us as, if not for them, we would not be here now, and this can include family as well as our spiritual icons, our leaders, and members of our community.  For many of us, we continue this honour and awareness even through to the November 11th services of Remembrance Day, and maybe even other holy-days during this quarter-year phase.

It is a time for ancestral communion, for paying attention to maternity / paternity, for fellowship, and for divine oaths... finding importance in what is sacred and appreciated.  Today, many will only hold a faint knowledge of this practice and simply celebrate with festivities and trick-or-treating on the Gregorian-established "Hallowe'en"... an entertaining aspect.  For some, like myself, we enjoy a more in-depth celebration.  We may spend time in serious contemplation.  We may hold ceremony.  We may display the images and items of our ancestors and send them well-wishes.  Whatever the practice, it is beautiful and wonder-full.

During this special time, I send out wishes for Bliss, Love, and Honour to All, both here and 'crossed over'.  May your hearts know peace in the belief that there truly is no such thing as death... all is cyclical and beautiful.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Next Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshop... "Harmonies & Vibrations"...

The next Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshop
is this coming Friday, October 23rd, 2015
6:45 (7) - 8 pm
@ Light-Worker, 205 Sherbrooke St., Peterborough
Rear Building, Unit #4 

Topic This Week:  Harmonies & Vibrations

 Bells, incense, chanting, meditation, grounding... what is it all for? Learn about some of the spiritual tools that can be used to bring a more harmonious vibration to your home, your environment, your meditation space, and the Self.
 FREE TAKE HOME ITEM OF THE NIGHT (main items)... your choice of SMUDGE, SMUDGE FEATHER, or INCENSEPLEASE NOTE: Due to the sensitivities to scent that some attendees may have, we will not be burning incense nor smudge during the workshop, and alternative options are being provided for the FREE Take Home Item Of The Night.... SEA SALT or CRYSTAL BOWLS CD
Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshops --- Spend a single hour learning the simplicity of tools you can use to improve your spiritual practices. Universal ideas are framed to be of interest to anyone from any walk of life. Come to one or come to them all. Mini Moments Spiritual Workshops will run every two weeks during this Autumn season
@ LIGHT-WORKER on Sherbrooke St.

Everyone Welcome, whether registering or not. Those who choose to register at least 2 days prior to each workshop will be guaranteed to receive a handout and a take-home item-of-the-night. Those not registered may still receive the Free take-home item of the night if supplies allow.

$10 General
$5 Students / Seniors / Low Income

* Cash Only (unless paying by PayPal or Email Transfer at least 3 business days ahead.

FRIDAY EVENINGS @ 6:45 (7) - 8pm... Please come early to ensure you are settled and ready by the time we start at 7 pm.

Light-Worker ----- 205 Sherbrooke St., rear building, unit #4
705-745-8815 ----- ---
* NOVEMBER 6th --- Moon Cycles... Nature and spirituality come together with a touch of astrology.
* NOVEMBER 20th --- Spells, Prayers, & Meditation... What are the differences and how can we use them?
* DECEMBER 4th --- Mirrors & Icons... Display for Meditative Reflection, Affirmations, and Energetic Protection.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Etheric Home Show... "Healing & Manifestation"...

 The next broadcast of
The Etheric Home show
will be this coming Thursday, Oct. 22nd,
during the Noon Hour.

CFFF 92.7 fm ---

Topic:  "Healing & Manifestation" with a guided meditation as well as some book and website recommendations.  As always, there will also be Events Listings for the Spiritual, the Arts, and the Health communities.

The Etheric Home show is hosted by Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Next Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshop... "Harmonies & Vibrations"...

The next MINI MOMENTS Workshop...
"Harmonies & Vibrations"

(other options for those sensitive to scent... SEA SALT or CRYSTAL BOWLS CD)

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23RD, 6:45 (7) - 8 pm
Please come a little early to have time to find parking and get yourself settled.

$10 general
$5 students / seniors / low income

 HARMONIES & VIBRATIONS... bells, incense, chanting, meditation, grounding... What is it all for? Learn about some of the spiritual tools that can be used to bring a more harmonious vibration to your home, your environment, your meditation space, and the Self.

Please Note:  Due to the sensitivities to scent that some attendees may have, we will not be burning incense nor smudge during the workshop, and alternative options are being provided for the FREE Take Home Item Of The Night.
Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshops --- Spend a single hour learning the simplicity of tools you can use to improve your spiritual practices. Universal ideas are framed to be of interest to anyone from any walk of life. Come to one or come to them all. Mini Moments Spiritual Workshops will run every two weeks during this Autumn season
@ LIGHT-WORKER on Sherbrooke St.

Everyone Welcome, whether registering or not. Those who choose to register at least 2 days prior to each workshop will be guaranteed to receive a handout and a take-home item-of-the-night. Those not registered may still receive the Free take-home item of the night if supplies allow.

$10 General
$5 Students / Seniors / Low Income
* Cash Only (unless paying by PayPal or Email Transfer at least 3 business days ahead).

FRIDAY EVENINGS @ 6:45 (7) - 8pm... Please come early to ensure you are settled and ready by the time we start at 7 pm.

Light-Worker ----- 205 Sherbrooke St., rear building, unit #4
705-745-8815 -----

* NOVEMBER 6th --- Moon Cycles... Nature and spirituality come together with a touch of astrology.

* NOVEMBER 20th --- Spells, Prayers, & Meditation... What are the differences and how can we use them?

* DECEMBER 4th --- Mirrors & Icons... Display for Meditative Reflection, Affirmations, and Energetic Protection.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Reminder... FREE take-home item-of-the-night... your choice of PRAYER BEADS!

This evening's FREE take-home item-of-the-night...
your choice of PRAYER BEADS!

REMINDER... Workshop begins promptly at 7 pm this evening (Friday, October 9th, 2015) and it is requested that you aim to show up at least 15 minutes early to give yourself time to find parking, get your jacket hung and select your beverage.

 Prayer Beads... Come for a single hour to quickly learn how to use them and what the differences are between Mala, Goddess Beads, Pagan Beads, Rosaries, and Tasbeeh.

All are welcome, whether registering or not.
205 Sherbrooke St., Rear Building, Unit #4, Peterborough, ON

$10 general
$5 students / seniors / low income 

For questions,  directions and parking information
call 705-745-8815
(phone will be turned off at 7 pm)

Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshops
will be running every-other Friday evening this autumn.

Next up...
Friday, October 23... FREE take-home item-of-the-night...your choice of
Topic on Friday, October 23rd...Harmonies... 
bells, incense, chanting, meditation, grounding... What is it all for?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Etheric Home show... Annie & Serge Dionne... I Ching Systems...

Thanks so much to Annie Dionne and Serge Dionne for their efforts to share their information about the I Ching Systems with listeners of "The Etheric Home" show on Trent Radio, this week. Some unfortunate technical adventures meant, alas, that Annie was unable to be heard, but her husband, Serge was very gracious and agreed last minute to come and be a guest, live, today.

For more information about the I Ching Systems, you can contact Annie Dionne at "A Pathway To Serenity" by calling 705-742-2949, by emailing, or by going to the website at

The up-coming weekend seminar with creator Mary Miller will be as follows...

Module Two

Author of The Mathematics Of A Successful Life

October 24 and 25, 2015
9:30 am to 4:30 pm each day

Best Western Plus Otonabee Inn
84 Lansdowne St E, Peterborough

 "This is a two-day event for all who are looking for personal transformation and higher consciousness!!! If you seriously want to make changes in your life, do not miss this opportunity. This will be a very personal exploration of what you want in your relationships, your work, your family life and all that is important to YOU. We will be using our most advanced, customized instruments on each person who attends. This is a very personalized training."

The next broadcast of "The Etheric Home" show will be in two weeks (every other Thursday, this season), October 22nd during the noon hour. I will be offering a guided meditation on "Healing & Manifestation", along with the events listings for the Spiritual, Arts, and Health communities. 92.7 fm ---

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Prayer Beads Workshop This Friday, October 9th, 2015...

 This Friday Evening!!!  October 9th, 6:45 (7) - 8 pm

Workshop --- Prayer Beads!

Learn how to use them and what the differences are between Mala, Goddess Beads, Pagan Beads, Rosaries, and Tasbeeh.

 *** Please come early to ensure you are settled and ready by the time we start at 7 pm.

Mini Moments Spiritual Tools Workshops --- Spend a single hour learning the simplicity of tools you can use to improve your spiritual practices. Universal ideas are framed to be of interest to anyone from any walk of life. Come to one or come to them all. Mini Moments Spiritual Workshops will run every two weeks during this Autumn season
@ LIGHT-WORKER on Sherbrooke St.

Everyone Welcome, whether registering or not. Those who choose to register at least 2 days prior to each workshop will receive a handout and a take-home item-of-the-night.
$10 General
$5 Students / Seniors / Low Income

* Cash Only (unless paying by PayPal or Email Transfer at least 3 business days ahead.

FRIDAY EVENINGS @ 6:45 (7) - 8pm... Please come early to ensure you are settled and ready by the time we start at 7 pm.

Light-Worker ----- 205 Sherbrooke St., rear building, unit #4 705-745-8815 -----


* OCTOBER 23rd --- Harmonies... bells, incense, chanting, meditation, grounding... What is it all for?

* NOVEMBER 6th --- Moon Cycles... Nature and spirituality come together with a touch of astrology.

* NOVEMBER 20th --- Spells, Prayers, & Meditation... What are the differences and how can we use them?

* DECEMBER 4th --- Mirrors & Icons... Display for Meditative Reflection, Affirmations, and Energetic Protection.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Workshops --- Friday Evenings This Autumn, 2015 --- Spiritual Tools

Spiritual Workshops
Spend a single hour learning the simplicity of tools you can use to improve your spiritual practices. Universal ideas are framed to be of interest to anyone from any walk of life. Come to one or come to them all. Mini Moments Spiritual Workshops will run every two weeks during this Autumn season
 @ LIGHT-WORKER on Sherbrooke St.

Everyone Welcome, whether registering or not. Those who choose to register at least 2 days prior to each workshop will receive a handout and a take-home item.

$5 Students / Seniors / Low Income
Fridays @ 6:45 (7 pm)

* October 9th --- Prayer Beads... Learn how to use them and what the differences are between Mala, Goddess Beads, Pagan Beads, Rosaries, and Tasbeeh.

* October 23rd --- Harmonies... bells, incense, chanting, meditation, grounding... What is it all for?

* November 6th --- Moon Cycles... Nature and spirituality come together with a touch of astrology.

* November 20th --- Spells, Prayers, & Meditation... What are the differences and how can we use them?

* December 4th --- Mirrors & Icons... Display for Meditative Reflection, Affirmations, and Energetic Protection.

Light-Worker ----- 205 Sherbrooke St., rear building, unit #4
705-745-8815 -----

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

New season of "The Etheric Home" show... Trent Radio...

A New Season Of
"The Etheric Home" show
begins tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 24th, 2015,
during the NOON HOUR!

92.7 fm     ----

1st broadcast of the new season brings you a chance to find ease during your lunch hour as you listen to Heather offer a guided meditation on "Mindfulness For The Body And The Etheric Home".

Tune in every-other Thursday to hear host, Heather Home, as she encourages listeners to fill their Etheric Homes (personal space) with POSITIVITY.  Relax as you hear guided meditations, guests speaking on topics relevant to the Arts, Spiritual, and Health fields, and discover helpful and interesting ways to bring joy and pleasure to your life through the Events Listings for these same communities.

To find out what will be offered during each broadcast, check back here regularly.  If you have events listings that you wish to have announced, or if you think you might like to be a guest on the show, feel free to contact Heather by telephone at 705-745-8815 or by email at .

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Reiki Relaxation & Meditation Instruction... Find Ease & Peace During This Busy Autumn Season...

A busy September means more stress on the body and mind.  Find Ease and Peace through Reiki Relaxation and Meditation Instruction.

Reiki ( Pronounced Ray-Kee ) --- One hour of Reiki Relaxation can equate up to 4 hours of restorative sleep in terms of benefit to the body.  Other types of modalities can have very similar effects.  Based on Japanese medical theory, it uses energy channeling to create a safe space for the body to naturally repair itself.  Particularly good for inducing relaxation, reducing pain & stress, increasing vitality, and generally giving one a sense of balance.  No cost extras during sessions:  your choice of music / nature sounds, crystal treatment for the chakra centres, candles or incense… please feel free to make your requests at each session. 

Meditation For Beginners --- Learn about YOUR own unique ways to bring in peace & ease, finding a way that's right for you and letting go of restrictive preconceptions about meditation. Heather Home guides you through the process of discovering enjoyable methods that work for you personally... meditation becomes a treat you look forward to. Geared to generalized health betterment with breathing exercises, visualizations, and more.

For fees and services information, click on the appropriate links in the right-side column of your screen. 

To book appointments, call 705-745-8815
or email at .

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Psychic + Astrological + Tarot Reading by Email! Receive your Psychic Reading sooner, directly into your Inbox!

BY DEMAND!!! -- New Psychic Service Offered By Email!

$100 & delivered within 2 weeks!

(Email) Psychic+Astrological+Tarot Reading!
Receive Multiple Readings in 1!

To meet growing needs and greater requests from clients, Heather Home is now offering this service, via email, to be of assistance to more people, sooner. Receive Psychic information, Astrological information, and a Tarot Card Reading all at the same time, right into your own INBOX! Receive it all IN WRITING! No need to travel for an appointment and no need to record your session! You can save your information!

1) Provide Your First Name
2) Provide Your Date Of Birth
3) Provide Your Time Of Birth (if you have it)
4) ! You may also ask up to 9 questions! 

*!*!*! In addition to answering your questions, Heather will also provide you with all additional information that comes to her psychically, as well as which planets are affecting your life most greatly, and which tarot cards present themselves for you...  A full Reading!!!  All information is sent to you for you to keep, or even to print off, and refer back to as often as you like!

To receive your Full Psychic + Astrological + Tarot Reading and all details, please contact by phone at
705-745-8815 or email at .

.......... ~~ ..........
(Please note that Heather Home does not answer medical questions, questions for 3rd parties, nor yes / no questions.)  Please be assured: You will never receive any future marketing emails from Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing unless you have specifically requested to be added to a notice list. Heather Home also assures that your email address will never be sold to a 3rd party. All services provided through 'Light-Worker' are completely confidential. Be sure to check the 'Light-Worker' email address as safe so that your Reading does not end up in your spam folder. Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing agrees to save your Reading for up to 30 days after the deadline date in case of technical glitches and you may request for your Reading to be re-sent if needed. After 30 days, all Readings are deleted from Heather Home's files.

All Readings are paid in advance via PayPal or Email Transfer. Once payment has been made and you are sent a receipt, you will receive a deadline date so that you will know when to watch your Inbox for your Reading. Fee is in Canadian dollars. There is no additional tax.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Alignment Healing... A Beautiful, Relaxing Way To Re-Connect To Self...

Alignment Healing is a relaxing process that accesses the healing power of WORDS, calls in the energy of gentle SPIRIT ANIMALS, and assists in aligning your CHAKRAS to a healthier harmony.

A lovely, well-rounded session can also include the use of crystals, incense, blessed waters, and any other forms of assistance that you might feel comfortable with.  Sessions tend to be shorter than some other energy-healing modalities and focuses on your spiritual well-being.  This is a beautiful way to help yourself re-connect with your true BEING as a soul.