Monday, October 26, 2015

Week Of The Ancestral / Blood Moon & All Hallow's Eve...

This week we celebrate Nature and her ways of helping us connect to our Ancestors who have 'crossed over', along with the beauty of death / the coming of the end of cycles.

We began the Full Moon phase on Sunday, October 25th, it will pinnacle on Tuesday the 27th, and will finish up on Thursday the 29th.  This can be known as the 11th esbat for some faith systems... the 11th full moon since the last Winter Solstice... and may be known to some as the Blood Moon or Ancestral Moon (not to be confused with a blood moon, such as we had last month, where the moon holds a reddish glow during an eclipse).  The Blood Moon naturally brings us into alignment with our Ancestors who have gone before us.  The veil thins and we tend to call to memory more of our up-bringing, have dreams of our ancestors, and even experience more paranormal activity.  We may find ourselves more sensitive, both physically and emotionally.  Before the advent of the Gregorian calendar, which is based on politics rather than nature, this full moon was when we celebrated "Hallowe'en - like" traditions and recognized our connections to the 'other side'.

For those of us who practice nature-based faith systems, we appreciate and are attuned to the cycles of nature and how, at this time of year, death surrounds us and that it is a beautiful and necessary part of life... without death, we would not have food, clothing, nor shelter.  We tune in to the energies that manifest with this shift.  We bring to mind and honour those of whom came before us as, if not for them, we would not be here now, and this can include family as well as our spiritual icons, our leaders, and members of our community.  For many of us, we continue this honour and awareness even through to the November 11th services of Remembrance Day, and maybe even other holy-days during this quarter-year phase.

It is a time for ancestral communion, for paying attention to maternity / paternity, for fellowship, and for divine oaths... finding importance in what is sacred and appreciated.  Today, many will only hold a faint knowledge of this practice and simply celebrate with festivities and trick-or-treating on the Gregorian-established "Hallowe'en"... an entertaining aspect.  For some, like myself, we enjoy a more in-depth celebration.  We may spend time in serious contemplation.  We may hold ceremony.  We may display the images and items of our ancestors and send them well-wishes.  Whatever the practice, it is beautiful and wonder-full.

During this special time, I send out wishes for Bliss, Love, and Honour to All, both here and 'crossed over'.  May your hearts know peace in the belief that there truly is no such thing as death... all is cyclical and beautiful.