Saturday, March 2, 2019

My Psychic Process
by Heather Home

For today's post, I thought I would share a little about the process I go through as I offer Psychic Readings to clients.  I have had many questions over the years from them, from the general public, my family, and also from those who are starting out in their own development.  It's also been nice to connect with fellow Psychics, each sharing with the others about what we experience within ourselves as we do this work.  It's not the same for all of us... we are all unique... and yet there can be similarities as well.  The more we share of ourselves, the more we learn from each other.  I also wish to assist my clients in getting the most out of their Readings, and I find that explaining my process provides that for them.

Before the Client Arrives...  I prepare myself to be of assistance.  When booking, I do need to know which type of Reading a client is looking for as each type can take a different length of time, and this can affect scheduling.  Also, by understanding ahead of time which type of Reading I will be doing, I allow myself the time, grounding, and exercises I need to do in preparation so that I may do my best work possible for the client when they arrive.  I also want to keep myself healthy, and so this prep work assists with this as well.

Preamble.  Once the client and I are seated at the table, I take a bit of time letting them know what they can expect from their session.  While I don't push my spiritual beliefs onto clients, I do need to explain to them what I am perceiving so that they have an understanding of my process and what is happening inside me as I'm Reading for them... it helps them to understand their Reading better.

Moment of Silence.  Before the Reading begins, I do my prayer work, setting up positive energies, and asking for "only the nice kids on the playground" (our "Teams Up There"... whatever we each believe in) to come in to help.  As best as I am able to understand, it is like a sort of relay system --- their "Team" talks to my "Team", my "Team" talks to me, and then I talk to the client... the information being passed along a sort of circuit.  During this moment of silence, I feel a connection to a higher, positive source, energies start revving up, and our "teams" know that it's time to get started.  This process only takes a moment, and the client is free to use that time for themselves.  By making this effort, the energies for the session are set up and we are ready to go.

Using A Creative Component.  Depending on the type of Reading I am doing, I will be working with some type of creative component to help stimulate whatever part of the brain does this work.  For some types of Readings, this may be Automatic Writing, or perhaps Intuitive Art.  For most of the Readings I do for clients (Life Path, Chakra, Astrological Tarot, etc.), I use cards as they have pictures on them with shapes and colours etc. and this works in the same way for me.  Starting with a creative component acts like a diving board for me to jump off of.  Once that part of my brain in stimulated appropriately, I then move into a sort of "Psychic Zone"... I stare off to the side, I rub my fingers together, and something within me and my energy systems flows like a river, carrying the information.

Initial Run-Through.  I prefer to not know much about my clients or their current situations when I first start their Readings so that I am not influenced.  While I do have repeat clients and I do get to know them a little over time, I always ask for them to hold off on sharing any information with me about their current circumstances until I have finished my initial run-through.  This is the time I take to share with the client what information is flowing along the circuit from their "Team" to my "Team" and then to me.  Most often, it is the most important information that comes up for the client during that session and is usually what they came to ask about anyway.  Also, from the perspective of the clients' "Team", this is THEIR chance to get a message to their human here on Earth that they have been watching over, and it's why they're present to help out.  Once I've finished with this part of the Reading, there is always time for the client to then ask questions, share about their circumstances, and ensure that they are using their session to meet their own needs.

2 Kinds of Information. During the session, I like for there to be two kinds of information to come through... the kind that the client is already aware of, and the kind that they are not yet aware of.

The kind that you know... It's important for a client to see for themselves that this process is real so that they can be reassured that they are not wasting their time.  I would not otherwise know certain things about them unless it was coming from a higher place.

The kind that you don't... It's also important for the client to receive information, that they are not yet aware of, to take away from their session... things to watch for, to have their "ah-ha" moments with, to work with and feel empowered about, and so on.

Also, regarding the kind of information that they are already aware of... to the best of my understanding, this is intended to act as validation for them from their "Team".  They are letting the client know that they are watching over them, that they feel the client is already on the right track, that they are giving thumbs up, and to please keep up the good work.  In the years that I have been doing this work, I find that this validation can often bring great reassurance to the client, and is an invaluable part of the session.

Act As A Radio.  Regardless of how I word the information that comes through, I don't actually know anything about the client.  As an Energy Reader, I'm just doing my best to pick up the energies that are being "transmitted" to me from my "Team" and trying my best to translate this into English.  I am just doing my best to be a "radio" so to speak.  There is no fax nor email that is being handed to me for me to read verbatim.  Rather, it is like playing Pictionary or Charades... my "Team Up There" are doing their best to send me signals for me to try to interpret.  While I do my best to be the radio and help these points of information to make their way through to the client, I don't actually know anything about the client or what context to put these points of information into.  The client knows their life and situations better than I ever would, and so hopefully they will recognize what it is that I am saying and where to apply it.  If they don't, there are two possibilities... 1) I need to re-word my interpretations, or 2) this is intended to be the kind of information that they don't yet know, which is further intended for them to take away with them after their session to then watch for and have their "ah-ha" moments with.  I have always found this process to be quite fascinating and amazing (and sometime frustrating).  How cool is it that such abilities and goings-on exist?!  I love having the chance to talk with other Psychics / Sensitives to see how they pick up their information... what's happening inside of them that may be similar to my way or different.  We still have great need as a species to continue research in this field and to learn more about how all of this works but, in the meantime, I plug along and continue using my abilities in this way.  My hope is to do the best job I am able to do and that the client receives what they need from their session.

Recording The Information.  There tends to be A LOT that comes through in a session, particularly Full Sessions (I also offer shorter "Mini Readings") and it is way too much for clients to remember it all.  I usually recommend that they bring along a recording device... most people have this option on their smartphones these day.  I also offer paper and pen for their use.

By The End Of The Session.  As long as I have enough scheduled time to focus all of my attention on each client, I prefer to ensure that they have had their needs met by the time they leave.  While I do do back-to-back Readings under certain circumstances, I mostly try to leave enough leeway between clients so that they can get the most out of their time that they can.  I never charge beyond the appointment time... I just keep going until their needs are met.  My goal is to help ensure that they leave feeling empowered and that they have what they need to work with to get the most out of their lives as they move forward.

After A Client Leaves.  Once I have finished up with a client (whether they are on their own for the day, or I have another coming in a little while) I need to take some time stepping away from their energies and back into my own.  This helps me to stay as healthy as possible.  Again, as a species, we need to continue research in this field, but it is generally accepted by Psychics / Sensitives / Light-Workers that our bodies and energy systems are affected by doing this work, and so the importance is high for us to maintain our systems for the benefit of all.

Okay, I hope that today's post is helpful to those who have had questions about what takes place when I am Reading.  Other Readers may go through similar processes, but also may have their own points of information to share that differ from mine.  I always recommend that clients do a bit of research first when they are searching for a new Reader to go to.  Feel free to ask about the process that the Reader uses, what types of Readings they offer --- Are they actually the type of Reading that you are looking for?  There are MANY! --- and get as many details as they need to help them make the right choice for themselves.  For now, I wish you all the blessings of a beautiful day and a full life.  💗

Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
Heather Home
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