Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Astrology, Numerology, and The New Normal

Finding A New Normal

by Heather Home, Light-Worker

Well, our global population has had a number of months, now, to try to adjust to this strange new world that we have found ourselves in.  There certainly has been a learning curve involved, hasn't there?  Day by day we listened to the news and our public health officials and our politicians and we gathered pertinent information to keep ourselves and our families safe.  We found ways to connect with our friends, our co-workers, our communities through new and interesting ways.  While we've all done our best to learn to adapt to this world-wide challenge, for many of us, this wasn't the end of things.

Life Path Curve Balls

In addition to the strangeness that we have had to adjust to together, for many of us, we've also been thrown another curve ball, or two, or three.  What I've seen with my clients, of late, is a long list of further challenges and changes to contend with (and I include myself in this).    The list includes changes to job structures, finances and income (and bills), divorce or new relationships, loss of beloved family and friends and pets, developments in health... the list goes on and on.  As if we didn't have enough to deal with in any of these things on their own, as they pile up, we have no choice but to ask ourselves, How have we come to this and how do we move forward?

Astrology, Numerology, and The New Normal

For myself, I am very sensitive to the movement of the planets and other shifts in nature --- I tend to notice the affects on my life, body, mind, and soul.  While I don't usually follow numerology day by day, I have certainly noticed a direct correlation between my own numbers and how my personality type flows with or feels disjointed with this new world I am adjusting to.  These are things I've been taking a look at for my clients, as well.  Each person I listen to who is dealing with challenge after challenge has been sharing with me that they are doing their best but are truly at a loss as to how to find a new path, how to pick up the pieces, how to move forward in as healthy a way as possible.  I admit, I've spent months in this same chapter ruminating and attempting trial and error practices, and clients, friends, and family have shared the same.  This takes time.  When we at least understand what we are dealing with, however, we can begin to nudge those ruminations in directions that may take us to the best possible future we can aim towards.

Claiming A New Life Path

If we allow ourselves to take a broader view on where we are at in this current chapter and what is taking place planetary-wise or numerologically, we begin to see the What's and Why's and How's of this part of our Life Path moving forward.  This takes some truly insightful awareness, not to mention patience and gentleness.  The Jupiter - Saturn relationship, to me, seems to be one of the biggest influencing factors right now.  They've been dancing together or repelling each other for quite an extended period --- they move really slowly, taking a long time to get anywhere --- and this spells out long-term and significant changes for us.  If we have an understanding about how things like this can affect us, we can begin to make choices that allow us to feel our own power again.  CLAIMING the healthiest aspects of our greatest potential futures brings us ease, insight, and hope.


I don't know about you but, for myself, I sure could use some peace and normalcy.  I wish this for my clients, friends, and family, too.  Step-by-step, as we pinpoint the aspects of Self that we can work with as well as the contributing influencing factors, we can begin to move into that peace and sense of normalcy that we are craving.  Things may look different from what we've been used to, but isn't that life anyway?  A series of significant changes?  While change can feel uncomfortable at the time it's happening, before long, we find ourselves puttering along our new roads of life as if it's the same ol' same ol'.  When we remember this, everything within us can make the adjustment much more easily and we can be able to let go of the discomfort.  I can attest to this --- I've recently made my own realization and, while there is still a way to go before I can get on to that puttering, having an awareness to work with as a touchstone has already brought me at least some sense of peace, not to mention some new goals that could prove to be very healthy and helpful.  There's more to come and I'm certainly looking forward to it.  My hope is that we can all achieve this and can look forward to new Life Paths that we can enjoy and find fulfilling.  What could this look like for you?

Whatever chapter you are currently finding yourself in, you are wished the best.  Please remember to share your experiences with others as you sort through your own ruminations and changes --- we all need to know that we are not alone and you could be helping someone else by sharing.  Sending you and yours wishes for safety, health, comfort, and love.

Astrology, Numerology, and The New Normal