Monday, September 30, 2019

VIDEO: What Are The Differences Between Readings?

I receive a lot of calls from clients who are unsure of what, exactly, are the differences between the variety of Psychic Readings that I offer through my work.  How does a Life Path Reading differ from Fortune Telling / Fate / Destiny Readings, for example?  What is a Chakra Reading, and so on?  I thought I'd do a little video to take you through what I offer with my menu in an effort to help provide some answers to those who have not been to see me.  It can also be of assistance to those who are looking to develop their own abilities and are wanting to understand that their "Reading Styles" are allowed to be different from those that they had been taught in a class.  We are all different and the types of Readings that we are able to do vary from person to person.

I always welcome questions via email (CONTACT form in the tabs above) and by telephone.  I never charge for having a conversation about these types of things as I am a big believer in supporting each other within our community and in public education.

To view the MENU for PSYCHIC READINGS or other services, click on the tabs above.

Heather Home
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
Services by appointment.