Thursday, September 19, 2019

Different Types Of Psychics Meet Different Needs...

Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing, Heather Home
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Psychic Heather Home doing an Astrological Tarot Reading

The Differences We Share
by Heather Home

I love doing this work.  It's some of the best work in the whole world.  I get to wake up every day and know that I will be meeting someone new, helping to make their lives easier.  As each person is different from the other, so, too, are their Readings, Reiki Sessions, Meditation Sessions and such.  No matter how many differences there are from person to person, however, there are things that everyone has in common, and I love seeing that in my work.

Often, when I receive calls from potential clients who are searching around for a Reader or Reiki practitioner that will suit them, I notice that there can be some pre-conceived ideas that they are believing about Psychics and Reiki Practitioners.  Some of these ideas are correct, and some are based on what has been shown in movies, on television, and what was heard on the playground back in the days when we were still kids.  "Psychic means" __(fill in the blank)__, or "Reiki means" ____________, or "Meditation means" ____________.  Even among Psychics / Sensitives / Intuitives there is a wide range of ideas about what these terms mean and what sessions should look like.  Coming up with an understanding of these things is not at all like math where we all agree that 1 + 1 = 2 and we know what the math terms mean.  In the realm of Intuition and Spirituality, our species is still in a place where we are basing our understandings on personal experience --- what we've heard from others and are repeating;  how we view our dreams and what they mean;  whether or not we have paid attention to our experiences and / or whether we are "chalking them up" to notions.  There are all kinds of ways that we, understandably, come to our ideas.  Clients, too, have some vast differences from each other that they are dealing with, want assistance with, and deserve to receive assistance for.  When fielding questions from potential clients or making efforts to book them in for the types of sessions that they are interested in, I have learned that it is important to be clear, at the time of booking, about what exactly they are looking for.

I've been doing this work for a long time, now... decades!  Through the years, my experience has grown, my practices in my work efforts have adapted, and what I offer to clients has changed.  I have learned that it is best to offer a menu for each type of Reading and service which include names of Reading-types, their descriptions, their lengths of time per session, and their fees.  This helps seekers to do a bit of research and to figure out just exactly what it is that they are looking for.  People are taking time out of their days and spending their hard-earned money for these services, and they deserve to receive what they are seeking.  I equate it to going out to eat at a restaurant.  If we want pizza, but walk into a seafood restaurant, we are not as likely to get what we want.  Both offer "food", but very different types of food.  It is best for us to seek out the type of restaurant that best fits our needs and wants, therefore giving ourselves the best chance at enjoying our meal.  This is what I want for those who come to me for what I can offer --- for them to feel satisfied and happy with what has been provided to them.

This brings me back to my point with this post.  We are all different in so many ways.  We are also, however, the same in many, too.  We all want and deserve to be taken care of.  We all want and deserve to receive what it is that we are seeking.  We all want and deserve:  to be treated with respect; to be loved; to feel empowered; and to move forward in our lives feeling stable and happy.  No matter how different each person is from the other, whom I see within my practice, I also SEE that they are all the same in their souls.  They are Beings of Light and I feel that I love my job best when I can help those lights glow.  💛💛💛 I send out wishes to each of you for glowing hearts and needs met, with Light & Love.

Photo Credit:  Jenn Lummiss of Jenn Lummiss Photography.