Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Happy Beltane! Moving Forward...

Moving Forward
by Heather Home, Light-Worker

As a Taurus, I naturally love it when May rolls around.  Not only does my birthday tend to last a number of weeks, with many well-wishes and get-togethers with family and friends, but in my area (Ontario, Canada) the grass, foliage, and flowers start to come in.  Colour!  At last!  The days are warmer, the birds are returned and singing their little hearts out.  All I want to do is have the windows open or sit outside and breathe in the scent of the earth and air.  Life feels good.

As a Light-Worker, I am a Sensitive and an Energy Reader.  I am greatly affected by my environment.  My Taurean proclivities and needs play into this as well.  My senses crave the stimulation of Springtime offerings.  No more winter coats... my skin sings with the gentle touch of the cool breeze.  No more snow covering the trees and ground... my every breath is filled with the buffet of scents now lifting and flowing in the air... from ground to sky.  Hearing the birdsong and the bustling of my fellow Canadians as they are now free to enjoy the great outdoors in our urban setting without the deep chill of the previous months... it all makes me smile.  In addition, I notice, my body starts to crave greens and nuts.  Nature has deprived me of these gifts locally for a great many months, now, and it is still too early for Her to offer them again.  So what to do?

Beltane is the mid-point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.  The "in-between".  Gone are the days of lack... and yet to come are the days of harvest.  For anyone who pays attention to the seasons and Mother Nature, we know instinctively what to do with this time of year.  GET PLANTING!!!  Whether it be a literal planting of seeds, bulbs, and tubers, or it be with putting plans in place to meet future goals, NOW is the time to ignite the spark and fan the flame.

I find that my world is constantly in flow with Universal Purpose.  I still have free will, yet abundant are the opportunities to work with the Great Divine, squeezing the juiciness out of life for all its worth and reaping the benefits.  Come May, this means getting ready for summer and getting ready for bigger things ahead.  As I type away, here, I can look around me and see the reflections of this very flow.  On my dining table there are stacks of paintings and drawings and frames as I make efforts to get ready to participate in a local art show.  On the floor is my gear for my little hobby business of face painting with the kiddos in my community --- summer is the big time for this and all must be ready to go to make our Little Ones happy.  Beside me is my 'to-do' list... and it's loonngg... marketing, web-managing, connecting with clients, updating my data, and more, more, more.   My bean and morning glory seeds and my spider plant babies are awaiting for me to finish my work and finish my breakfast and get them into soil so that they may dream the dream of life.  Abundant are my opportunities, and I am a happy camper.  I can just feel the pulse of the Divine electric Yang, push, push, pushing for movement and growth, and promising rewards to come.

As May breaks us open to the bliss of Birth and Life, I send you wishes of Goodness and Joyfulness, for Abundance and Opportunity, and for flowing with your Purpose.