Monday, September 10, 2018

Tips & Strategies For NEW MOON Energies...

Yes, it's the latest NEW MOON.  How will you make the most of it?

Connecting with Nature and her rhythms is one of my favourite forms of Being, and of Manifestation.  When I consciously connect, I feel the flow of the universe and my life responds... I am on track.  Life becomes sweeter.  Things go my way.  My relationships deepen.   I never want it to end.  Even after living a lifetime, decades, of being mindful, working towards the creation of the life that I want, and being grateful for what I have, I too sometimes need to remind myself to get back into the flow of things (and out of my head / off of my to-do list).  When Nature offers up her milestones for us to pay attention to (notches in the moon cycle, for example) I for one truly enjoy making the most of them and easing my way to Goodness, Juiciness, and Love.

For those looking for a few tips on how to make the most of this NEW MOON, I'm sharing a couple of short, easy lists for musing on.  Feel free to adapt any of the tips & strategies to meet your own needs and likes.  It can also be fun to join with a friend or two, each practicing the same exercise, and then compare notes or share the stories of your experiences.

For Beginners

- Let go of something.  Make it easy.  New Moon is all about moving into a new phase.  If we have clutter, however, there is little room for the new.  Whether it be a knic-knac that can go into a yard sale, cleaning out the fridge, or even curtailing the use of "um" when speaking, anything that we let go of can leave us feeling spacious and ready for something great and wonderful to come into our lives.  Watch for the ways the Universe responds.

- Create something simple but meaningful.  Our beautiful Moon is going to be building for the next little while.  Build with her.  Whether it be the planting of a seed in a pot to keep by your window, or jotting down ideas to move your career forward (and following with a simple plan), or even stocking the fridge with foods that you know are better for you, any energy that you create puts you into the creative process... and your life responds.  Watch for the way the Universe responds.

More Advanced

- Scrub.  You've done these exercises before on Letting Go, but still have stuff sticking to your life that you just do not want.  Time to go a little deeper.  Asking ourselves about what we know is not healthy for us but don't want to live without... and sitting with it in authenticity... in itself is doing some hard work.  We may not be ready to let go of everything we could, but taking mini steps to get us there, again and again, eventually helps us reach our destination.  If we just take time to contemplate, while Scrubbing (washing it with energy in some form), we become more comfortable over time with the IDEA of letting it go, and also with the feeling of cleanliness around it.  Pay attention.  Come back again when ready.  Rinse.  Repeat.

- Follow up on what you've been building.  It's quite natural to be excited and happy when we've created or welcomed something new in our lives... and then later become complacent.  NEW MOON is a good time to go back and follow up on these types of things and continue to build them in the direction that we wish.  Check on them.  Assess.  Re-direct if desired.  Pay some attention to what is deserving (You and your life are deserving) and watch as the Universe responds.

A couple of great things about a New Moon is:  1) it continues to build, so it's okay to take some time making headway on your efforts, and 2) another one comes around next month... always another chance!

I'll be making my own efforts in the New Moon department today, and I send wishes for Bliss to all of you.  Happy New Moon!
Light-Worker:  Seeing a deeper reality with Light & Love.


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