Friday, September 21, 2018

Festive Autumnal Greetings....

Cornucopia:  Riches & Gratitude --- A Symbol, A Mantra
by Heather Home, Light-Worker

Late Summer, Early Autumn.  I, for one, LOVE this time of year.  I think it's my favourite.  The temperatures are just right for my delicate system as an Energy Reader... I revel in cool nights and warm days.  As a Taurus, my senses can't get enough of the tastes and colours of the foods we have so readily available now... the completion of the harvest coming in.  Flowers are still blooming in places... I often make sure I've got some sunflowers and mums for my table and balcony.  Trees are just starting to turn colour, though still with lots of green.  Perfect.  I am also an avid bird watcher and love to keep an eye and ear out for the Little Ones who are migrating through my area, heading south in preparation.  The squirrels and chipmunks and raccoons are preparing too... lots of activity, lots of drama as entertainment for those of us who enjoy sitting in stillness and watching.  Sooooo much to enjoy right now.  My cup runneth over.

The Cornucopia really and truly is the perfect symbol to represent this wonderfully abundant season.  In Canada, September is a busy time as everyone moves out of their summer holiday lackadaisiness and back into work and school and groups and committees.  October doesn't really get any more relaxed... we've got Thanksgiving and Halloween to prepare for, not to mention canning and getting the house ready for winter.  Much to do, see, eat.  I don't want to miss a minute of it!

It can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind, though, and so it's extra important to pay attention to the natural bio-rhythms of the body, mind, and soul... of Nature.  Sitting and watching those Little Ones is a great start for me.  It gives me an excuse to take a moment, step outside, take a break & and breath.  This means I'm doing more, not less.  Squeezing every drop I can out of Life's juiciness.  My days hold more meaning, and I am happy.

While the Cornucopia is a symbol, it can be much more for us if we allow it.  The word and the visual can hold powerful magic for us when we FEEL them.  'Cornucopia' as a mantra -- in song, talk, poem, focal image -- creates a spell that brings us back to the all-empowering Source.  Our cells perk up, our energies soar, and our Guides & Ancestors smile on us as they recognize that we are truly appreciative of our time while Here.  Likewise, focusing on any of the treasures that we find in the Horn Of Abundance can offer us fulfillment too.  Apple with her luscious, feminine roundness; Grapes with their family orientation; Nuts & Seeds, their heartiness; phallicly masculine Gourds & Cukes & Zucchini:  All with their promises of continued life and the attainment, contentment, and gratification that we deserve.  There are already enough times in life that offer counter-balance to this.... paying the bills, volunteering, providing for the world around us... we already have plenty of -out-going energy.  Now is the time to take in.  Now is the time to accept all that the Universe wants for us --- use it, store it if appropriate.  How lucky we are!

As I celebrate the final day of Summer, today, and the first of Autumn tomorrow, I'll be choosing some time to sit in Riches & Gratitude.  I also send out wishes for profusive awareness to each of you, of your worth, your luck, your place in this most abundant and glorious world we live in.  Happy Equinox.  💛