Please be advised that Heather Home will be unavailable from December 28th - January 4th while she takes her annual retreat time. Thanks for understanding. You can still fill in the CONTACT FORM to send her an email, or call and leave a message at 705-745-8815. She will be happy to return all emails and calls on January 5th or 6th. She wishes you and your Loved Ones a blissful start to 2019. 💙💜💙💜
Friday, December 28, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
wishes to offer One & All a very happy holiday season.
Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year, or any other special day, you are wished many blessings.
What's available for the holiday season with
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing?
In addition to regular appointments for Readings, Reiki, or Meditation Instruction, there are a variety of options to help make the season warm and bright.
1) Gift Certificates (call or email to arrange pick-up)
2) The 'Morning Of Bliss' package allows you to de-stress from all of the busy holiday activity, taking some much needed "ME TIME" for yourself.
3) PARTIES with either Psychic Readings, Magical Workshops, or Group Meditation can be a truly fun time to plan for yourself and your guests.
Feel free to call, email, or fill in the Contact Form to book or ask questions. Happy Holidays!
Fill in the Contact Form in tabs above.
To view all service menus and fees, click on the appropriate tabs above.
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Certificates available for, each, dollar values or service-specific. |
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Time for de-stressing and centering, away from the bustle. |
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Parties for Psychic Readings, Magical Workshops, or Group Meditation! |
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Images Used In Psychic Readings....
To view SERVICES & FEES, click on the appropriate tabs above.
For questions or to book,
Heather Home
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
Fill in the CONTACT FORM in the tab above.
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Ancestral Path Tarot, by Julie Cuccia-Watts |
Every Psychic / Intuitive / Sensitive has their own ways of receiving the information they do. I believe strongly that this is dependent upon each individual's body systems and energy systems. Much the same as in any other profession or proclivity, our bodies and minds affect (or even dictate) what we are able to do and where our limits lay. Some people are naturally good at math, or ballet, or recognizing who is safe or not safe to be around. Everyone is good at something, and we all have our limitations. For example, I myself am a mere 5 foot 3 inches, and crave on any good day to curl up with a book and a cup of tea... there is no way I will ever be a professional basketball player sought after by the big teams. On the other hand, I was always very good at both math and art when I was in school... I seemed to be built for these things.
Within the world of psychic-work, we rely on what we are good at to perform. Each practitioner uses their natural gifts and aptitudes to receive their information. For some, their background includes the craving to be part of others' lives and to know what's going on with them --- perhaps coming from a large, involved family has helped them to develop this kind of sensitivity and so their "psychic antenna" is constantly on the lookout in this regard. For others, they're interests have always involved geometry and sciences, and they tend to pick up messages regarding sacred patterns, Merkabas, mandalas, and such. Yet others are very tuned in to Nature, feeling their information through their environment and recognizing signs. On and on, there are a vast number of ways in which to connect to the great Source that offers us guidance, growth, and love.
As mentioned, I myself seem to be built for using both hemispheres of my brain --- the right for intuitive / artistic senses, and the left for maths and logic. Somehow, these aptitudes seem to come together within me to assist me in my Readings. Regardless of the type of Reading I am doing, I seem to do best if I use some type of creative component to get me started... to act like a diving board to get me into the water, so to speak. This could be Intuitive Art, Automatic Writing or, what I use most often when trying to pack a lot of information into a set time frame for an appointment, cards with images already on them, whether they be Tarot or Oracle. The images, colours, lines, light & shadow, stimulate whatever part of the brain does this work. Once the right side of my brain is getting into its groove, the left then kicks in to contribute with Numerology, Intuitive Astronomy, and helping to add everything up to come to a sum that makes some reasonable sense. While there is still much research to be done on exactly what is happening within us and how it is being done, and while psychics are, indeed, humans who cannot possibly be 100% correct 100% of the time, it is clear that our aptitudes and proclivities play into our abilities to pick up what we do.
I often receive questions from clients and others who are curious about how Readings are performed. In truth, there is no one way for everyone... it's just not possible... we are all different. I thought, however, that I would use this week's blog post to share a little about how I, myself, work and what clients will likely see when they come for a session. If I'm doing an Intuitive Art Reading, the client will likely be sitting in silence while I tune in to their colours, auras, timelines, Guides, and more, and then I will paint or draw what I am seeing. During Mediumship Readings, I find I do best with Automatic Writing and scribbling. For Chakra Readings and Life Path Readings --- the two Readings that majority of my clients seem to come for, I begin with laying out either Tarot cards or Oracle cards and then take things from there. Over the years I have collected a number of lovely decks with artwork that thrills me and feeds my senses and soul. During the three levels of courses I took in Tarot, I learned on one particular deck. Some collected decks I save for use just for myself, or to bring out when getting together with friends of like mind. Others I will use with clients for a phase... I seem to get on a kick with them for a while... and then I give them a break and put them away for a bit. For today, I'll share examples from three decks that I am currently using most often.
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The Moon Oracle By Caroline Smith and John Astrop |
The cards at the top of today's post are from the Ancestral Path Tarot by Julie Cuccia-Watts. My mother very kindly gifted this deck to me years ago and I loved that the imagery was similar in it's symbolism to the Rider Waite deck (which I learned on), yet with a wide range of culturally rich themes. It's so beautiful and accepting of all walks of life, and I find that I am currently relying on this deck most often to get me started in my Life Path Readings.
Next is The Moon Oracle by Caroline Smith and John Astrop. This deck was a gift from a client way back when I first started this work. It is mainly Goddess-based and over the years I have found that a section of the cards really works well for me when I'm getting started with a Chakra Reading. It's bright colours and numerological and astrological attributes lend wonderfully in partnership when I'm tuning in to a clients chakra systems.
Lastly, here is Legend The Arthurian Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson. Based on the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table, I purchased this gem for myself years ago as a treat. It's beauty and mysticism enchanted me immediately and I had used it primarily for quite a long time. Even now, I still bring it out when doing a Couple's Reading (it's quite romantical), or if I need extra cards during any other type of Reading.
I'll be sure to share more decks in the future and to write again on various aspects of performing Psychic / Intuitive work. In the meantime, I always welcome questions (I never charge to have a conversation with someone --- it's so very important for us to support each other in our intuitive development, and also to help potential clients to have an idea of what they are signing up for when coming for a session) and am happy to provide what answers I can by phone, email, or Facebook video chat. I send you all wishes for loveliness and warmth as we move into these chilly November days.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Cooler Weather, Spirits Visit....
Souls Live On
by Heather Home
I used to belong to a memoir writing group. I spent days dedicating my mind and skills to composing my thoughts around my life to date, putting them to paper or into computer files. I sometimes found it helpful to begin with a family or community photo that would inspire me and keep me on track. It was a wonderful practice in so many ways and I got a lot out of it.
Last year, about this time, I had been feeling like I needed to strengthen my root connections. While musing upon whatever my next memoir topic might be, I searched through a resource book on my family tree, turning the pages and looking for a photograph to get started with. I came upon an ancestor's image and a letter she had written to family so very long ago. I WAS ASTOUNDED WITH WHAT I'D FOUND. Her sepia portrait showed a young woman who looked as if she could have been a mash-up of my sister and I at that age! I could also spot likenesses to our mother and aunts. The letter revealed some of her deepest concerns, pains, and hopes. I was enthralled. Her words could have been my own, and my heart went out to her, though she had long since left this world. Here was the connection I was desperately needing, and this all made for a wonderful literary opportunity. I honoured my relative's memory as well as my own by thoughtfully writing up my memoir, copying her photo, and taking it all to group to be shared among the ladies. This was meaningful to me. Returning home, her photo went up onto my quilt square of a Tree Of Life that hangs by my front door, always there to remind me that I am connected to deep roots.
At this time of year, with Hallowe'en / Samhain, All's Hallow Day, Remembrance Day and more upon us, I find it natural to want to think about and honour those who have gone before me. I am so very, very fortunate to have what I do, to be here, and to know that my future has been secured by the sacrifices and the building that those people had exerted. "Thank You", I send out to all of them.
Also at this time of year, many of us notice a spike in paranormal activity, the visiting of those crossed over. I don't believe that this is triggered by the ideas around the Hallowe'en holiday, but rather the other way around --- the holiday inaugurated long ago in response to the season. Season being the key word, here. As a Light-Worker, I've always paid attention to what was taking place around me in these regards, not just repeating back what others have said about the veil thinning on October 31st. For myself, I notice a full season of hearing footsteps and creaking floorboards, pets and children staring at seemingly nothing over in the corner, and vivid dreams of grandfathers bringing messages. Some of these experiences are my own, and some are shared during telephone calls from clients and the community who are looking for answers or in need of telling their stories. I notice that this phase tends to take place, not on a single day, but for a different length each year, depending on Mother Nature, usually starting with the heat coming on in the house, and ending with the earliest snow falls. Yes, paranormal activity happens 365 days a year, but why is something more afoot now? We can make guesses, but what is more important, I think, is to continue to pay attention, and also to honour the experiences.
I understand that, for many people, visitation from the other side can be somewhat unnerving, even downright upsetting. For myself, I've don't recall any negative activity during this season. In fact, to me, I feel that those who are reaching out are very much wanting to let us know that we are not alone, they look after us, or perhaps are in need of some comfort from those of us that they perceive as strong and able to bring it to them. To me, this is beautiful. Yes, I am the first person to acknowledge that when I am vulnerable (like when I'm sleeping), I am not, not, not comfortable with a physical visitation. "Please", I implore the spirits, "wait until I am awake, up and about". It can creep me out to feel a hand on my back or the other side of the bed sink down when I am alone. While awake and witnessing the seemingly miraculous activity of visitation, however, I love the connection and feel a great honour at being included in these events.
All year 'round, I hear my grandmother's voice, that she thinks of me often, and reminding me to not slouch. I think of my father and wonder what life could have been like if he had lived, and send him wishes that he be okay on the other side. I miss my pets and smile and laugh when I feel that they have come with me on a walk. I'm reminded of how lucky we are to be safe no matter what race we are, what religion we practice, and no matter what gender we are... and I am so grateful for the sacrifices of our soldiers and those serving previous war efforts. These are the connections I FEEL all year. At this time, however, those on the other side seem to want to share what they are feeling, share their stories, remind us to not forget them. What an honour to be chosen and spoken to. What an honour to be asked for help.
As we move through this season, I send out wishes to one and all. Wishes that you may each be thoughtful in your memories, thoughtful in your gratitude, and mindful of those who are making efforts to connect with you (whether still here or crossed over). Love is love, after all, and we are one big family.
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Day Of The Dead Celebration Alter --- Loved Ones Are Honoured |
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing....
Please Note: As of January 2019, fees for services provided through
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
will be increased somewhat. Any bookings made before the end of 2018 will be honoured at 2018 fees. Dates for October have been filled, and there are still openings for November and part of December. I continue to look forward to being of service to clients locally and via internet. Wishing you blessings. _/\_
Friday, September 21, 2018
Festive Autumnal Greetings....
Cornucopia: Riches & Gratitude --- A Symbol, A Mantra
by Heather Home, Light-Worker
Late Summer, Early Autumn. I, for one, LOVE this time of year. I think it's my favourite. The temperatures are just right for my delicate system as an Energy Reader... I revel in cool nights and warm days. As a Taurus, my senses can't get enough of the tastes and colours of the foods we have so readily available now... the completion of the harvest coming in. Flowers are still blooming in places... I often make sure I've got some sunflowers and mums for my table and balcony. Trees are just starting to turn colour, though still with lots of green. Perfect. I am also an avid bird watcher and love to keep an eye and ear out for the Little Ones who are migrating through my area, heading south in preparation. The squirrels and chipmunks and raccoons are preparing too... lots of activity, lots of drama as entertainment for those of us who enjoy sitting in stillness and watching. Sooooo much to enjoy right now. My cup runneth over.
The Cornucopia really and truly is the perfect symbol to represent this wonderfully abundant season. In Canada, September is a busy time as everyone moves out of their summer holiday lackadaisiness and back into work and school and groups and committees. October doesn't really get any more relaxed... we've got Thanksgiving and Halloween to prepare for, not to mention canning and getting the house ready for winter. Much to do, see, eat. I don't want to miss a minute of it!
It can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind, though, and so it's extra important to pay attention to the natural bio-rhythms of the body, mind, and soul... of Nature. Sitting and watching those Little Ones is a great start for me. It gives me an excuse to take a moment, step outside, take a break & and breath. This means I'm doing more, not less. Squeezing every drop I can out of Life's juiciness. My days hold more meaning, and I am happy.
While the Cornucopia is a symbol, it can be much more for us if we allow it. The word and the visual can hold powerful magic for us when we FEEL them. 'Cornucopia' as a mantra -- in song, talk, poem, focal image -- creates a spell that brings us back to the all-empowering Source. Our cells perk up, our energies soar, and our Guides & Ancestors smile on us as they recognize that we are truly appreciative of our time while Here. Likewise, focusing on any of the treasures that we find in the Horn Of Abundance can offer us fulfillment too. Apple with her luscious, feminine roundness; Grapes with their family orientation; Nuts & Seeds, their heartiness; phallicly masculine Gourds & Cukes & Zucchini: All with their promises of continued life and the attainment, contentment, and gratification that we deserve. There are already enough times in life that offer counter-balance to this.... paying the bills, volunteering, providing for the world around us... we already have plenty of -out-going energy. Now is the time to take in. Now is the time to accept all that the Universe wants for us --- use it, store it if appropriate. How lucky we are!
As I celebrate the final day of Summer, today, and the first of Autumn tomorrow, I'll be choosing some time to sit in Riches & Gratitude. I also send out wishes for profusive awareness to each of you, of your worth, your luck, your place in this most abundant and glorious world we live in. Happy Equinox. 💛
Monday, September 10, 2018
Tips & Strategies For NEW MOON Energies...
Yes, it's the latest NEW MOON. How will you make the most of it?
Connecting with Nature and her rhythms is one of my favourite forms of Being, and of Manifestation. When I consciously connect, I feel the flow of the universe and my life responds... I am on track. Life becomes sweeter. Things go my way. My relationships deepen. I never want it to end. Even after living a lifetime, decades, of being mindful, working towards the creation of the life that I want, and being grateful for what I have, I too sometimes need to remind myself to get back into the flow of things (and out of my head / off of my to-do list). When Nature offers up her milestones for us to pay attention to (notches in the moon cycle, for example) I for one truly enjoy making the most of them and easing my way to Goodness, Juiciness, and Love.
For those looking for a few tips on how to make the most of this NEW MOON, I'm sharing a couple of short, easy lists for musing on. Feel free to adapt any of the tips & strategies to meet your own needs and likes. It can also be fun to join with a friend or two, each practicing the same exercise, and then compare notes or share the stories of your experiences.
For Beginners
- Let go of something. Make it easy. New Moon is all about moving into a new phase. If we have clutter, however, there is little room for the new. Whether it be a knic-knac that can go into a yard sale, cleaning out the fridge, or even curtailing the use of "um" when speaking, anything that we let go of can leave us feeling spacious and ready for something great and wonderful to come into our lives. Watch for the ways the Universe responds.
- Create something simple but meaningful. Our beautiful Moon is going to be building for the next little while. Build with her. Whether it be the planting of a seed in a pot to keep by your window, or jotting down ideas to move your career forward (and following with a simple plan), or even stocking the fridge with foods that you know are better for you, any energy that you create puts you into the creative process... and your life responds. Watch for the way the Universe responds.
More Advanced
- Scrub. You've done these exercises before on Letting Go, but still have stuff sticking to your life that you just do not want. Time to go a little deeper. Asking ourselves about what we know is not healthy for us but don't want to live without... and sitting with it in authenticity... in itself is doing some hard work. We may not be ready to let go of everything we could, but taking mini steps to get us there, again and again, eventually helps us reach our destination. If we just take time to contemplate, while Scrubbing (washing it with energy in some form), we become more comfortable over time with the IDEA of letting it go, and also with the feeling of cleanliness around it. Pay attention. Come back again when ready. Rinse. Repeat.
- Follow up on what you've been building. It's quite natural to be excited and happy when we've created or welcomed something new in our lives... and then later become complacent. NEW MOON is a good time to go back and follow up on these types of things and continue to build them in the direction that we wish. Check on them. Assess. Re-direct if desired. Pay some attention to what is deserving (You and your life are deserving) and watch as the Universe responds.
A couple of great things about a New Moon is: 1) it continues to build, so it's okay to take some time making headway on your efforts, and 2) another one comes around next month... always another chance!
I'll be making my own efforts in the New Moon department today, and I send wishes for Bliss to all of you. Happy New Moon!
Light-Worker: Seeing a deeper reality with Light & Love.
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
Heather Home
Click on the CONTACT FORM in the tabs above.
Menus for SERVICES can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate tabs above.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Summer & Autumn Parties Available....
Enjoying your summer? Planning some fun?
Plan a party!!!
Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
offers a variety of options for parties....
~~ $40pp ~~ Mini Psychic Readings, various types
~~ $80/hour ~~ Roaming Reception Readings, various types
~~ $40pp ~~ Full Length Magical Workshops, various types
~~ $20pp ~~ Mini Moments Magical Workshops, various types
~~ $25pp ~~ Group Meditation, geared to meet your preferences
Contact Tab at the top of this page
Monday, July 16, 2018
Intuitive Astrology.... 2 Options....
Looking for something truly cool in a Psychic Reading?
Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
offers 2 interesting options that differ from the typical astrological charts or horoscopes.
Psychic Astrological Tarot Readings!
AstroNumero Certificates!
Psychic Astrological Tarot Readings --- Offers guidance & intuitive astrology. Rather than working out charts based on your time of birth, these Readings are done with a combination of psychic abilities and tarot cards. Discover how your astrological houses are playing out in your life path.
Full Session $80
AstroNumero Certificates --- An astrology and numerology report in certificate form for framing or placing in an album. Perfect as a gift for a baby, child, or adult... or get one for yourself! Available in 2 sizes. Requires correct date of birth and correct spelling of full name.
Emailed as a PDF $20
To view all menus for all types of services offered at Light-Worker, or to contact, click on the appropriate tabs above.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Tidings On A Summer Solstice Dawn...
Well, I was up with the sun, this morning. It happened naturally. At Summer Solstice, in our area this year, it officially broke the horizon at 5:29 am, though I didn't really open my eyes until 6 something... my bedroom being on the west side. 6 something was perfect for me as I am a city dweller and the sun was still below the rooftops and tree canopy and I got to see it as it rose above these, revealing its glorious self.
One of my earliest thoughts upon waking was to get myself some tea and head out onto the balcony while all was still quiet. mmmmm... Honey Lemon Ginsing Green Tea with some organic lavender honey from a farm not too far away. Warm blankie wrapped around me and cozy socks with my pj's as it was nice and cool, a lovely white, embroidered pillow behind my back --- I'm a Taurus and so comfort and beauty and femininity make me happy. Out to the balcony I went to greet the day.
At Summer Solstice our Sol reaches its pinnacle and we have our longest day of the year. Our early crops are starting to come in... herbs and berries and flower blossoms. I look down to the not-too-far-down ground to see a mamma squirrel looking up at me, her little body evident that she has Little Ones that she's looking after --- I smile and it makes me happy to be reminded of the cycles of life and how good we have it right now.
This is a spiritual holiday for me, and yet I will be working. This is a-okay with me, but I do want to make sure that I do something to mark this date as it holds meaning for me and I like to celebrate in my own ways. I've decided that I'll go for a walk after breakfast and before I get too far into my day of busyness. Yes, a walk down along the river among the trees and greenery... I'm so fortunate to live in a city with a nature-dressed downtown area and I love my walks to be enveloped in verdancy. Yes, this will be a nice way to start my holiday activity. I notice I'm also craving my Citrine and some lemon, so I will likely incorporate these into my activities and celebrations throughout the day. hhhmmm... It's funny how celebratory days look different now that I'm at the age that I am... not as it did when I was younger. I enjoy more gentle times, now. Interesting. Year after year Mother Earth cycles 'round our Sol, and here I am, paying attention to the journey. I'm happy.
I hope that you are happy, too. I send you wishes for Light & Love & Beauty, and another wish that you may get the most out of your life in ways that are right for you... do it your way. I send you warm smiles.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Thinking of hosting a PSYCHIC PARTY this summer?
Psychic Parties with Heather Home, Light-Worker
or fill in the CONTACT form in that tab.
*** $40 Private Mini Readings… (20 mins. each)
If your location offers space for the privacy of your guests while each receiving their own sessions, this is a nice option for your party. Each guest receives their choice of... a 'Mini Psychic Life-Path Reading' or a 'Mini Chakra Reading'.
Click on the PSYCHIC READINGS tab above to view the descriptions for these two types of Mini Psychic Readings, as well as the full menu.
Minimum 4 paid sessions.
Psychic parties can be a lot of fun and add something extra special to your get-together. Heather Home of Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing has been invited to many, many events over the past decade and always brings smiles and her caring nature. Feel free to ask questions about what is required and what to expect if you are thinking of organizing a party.
Happy blessings are wished for you and yours during our warm weather Canadian months. Enjoy. 💙
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Mini Psychic Readings.... A Nice Option...
Mini Psychic Readings... A Nice Option...
If you are new to receiving a Psychic Reading, or if you have one specific question or issue that you would like to focus on, a MINI PSYCHIC READING could possibly be a nice fit for you. You deserve to have your Psychic Reading needs met, and whatever type you are searching for, there is an option out there for you.
It's always a good idea to do a little research ahead and give yourself permission to seek out the service that best fits.
It's always a good idea to do a little research ahead and give yourself permission to seek out the service that best fits.
Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
offers 2 types of Mini Sessions to meet your needs...
* Mini Psychic Life Path Reading
* Mini Chakra Reading
$40, taxes included
To view these options, or to view the full menu of services offered, click on the tabs of interest.
To book your session, or if you have questions, you are welcome to call
705-745-8815 or
fill in the CONTACT FORM by clicking on the appropriate tab.
Private appointments are booked in advance.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Having Fun At Various Magical Workshops!
Whether you are interested in learning how to create DREAMCATCHERS, how to READ TEA LEAVES, how to use SMUDGES and what the various types are, or if you have other spiritual & magical interests, Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing offers something for you. See the menu by clicking on the "Magical Workshops" tab above. Come on your own or throw a party for your group.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Valentine's Month.... Couple's Psychic Readings.....
With Valentine's Day approaching, plan some time with your honey for a Psychic Reading together!
Couple's Readings (and all relationship types)
$80, taxes included
Select this Reading if you are interested in points of compatibility between yourself and another, as well as the unique gifts that each person brings to the relationship. Includes information regarding Soul Purposes & Natural Gifts. A nice way to spend some time together with someone you love, or to learn about someone you are interested in. For romantic relationships, best friends, family, co-workers and more.
Click the appropriate tabs above for further SERVICES & FEES, or to contact for an appointment. Book in advance to ensure that your preferred time slot is still available.
Heather Home
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
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