Friday, October 13, 2017

Psychic / Intuitive Artist Requires Volunteers....

Would you be interested in volunteering for a professional development session with a psychic / intuitive artist?  Please contact... 
Heather Home of Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing is requesting the assistance of volunteers for an on-going professional study. Sessions will be booked during the months of October and November.
Volunteers will be willing to commit up to 90 minutes toward a developmental session while an older style of Psychic Reading (Intuitive Art) is revisited with a newer technique. Volunteers must be willing to be "Read" which may include clairvoyance and reading of their energy field through use of hands.
Volunteers may or may not walk away at the end of the session with information received psychically and / or a painting or drawing depicting the energies read during the session. An Intuitive Art Reading may or may not include information regarding past lives, current life path moments, chakra / aura resonances, spirit animals, loved-ones crossed-over, or other. Artwork may possibly be scanned and filed before volunteers leave. Names of all volunteers are kept confidential.
To read the bio of this professional, click on the "BIO & REVIEWS" tab.