Monday, October 30, 2017

Happy Stag Night / Samhain / Hallowe'en / All's Hallow Day...

Autumn.  This is it --- the time of year that brings to mind the cycle of death and life, abundance and scarcity.  Our growing season is done, our cupboards and cellars have been stalked, and soon to come are the long winter days and nights.

October 30th --- STAG NIGHT --- Rutting season is coming to an end and it is time to honour the stag's efforts.  Seeds have been planted for next Spring's re-birth.  Job done.  Thank you so much for what you have offered the world.  May you be blessed.

October 31st --- Samhain --- Mid Autumn.  The Life / Death cycle is most evident and we crave closeness and coziness.  Time to honour both sides of the veil... the generations of our ancestors who have gone before us yet still remain by our sides, as well as the generations below, the young ones and those yet to come.  May they be blessed, and may we appreciate the blessings that they bestow upon us.

November 1st --- All's Hallow Day --- Once the busyness of harvest and storage is complete, life can begin to slow.  Time to take time, to pay closer attention, to remind ourselves to truly SEE everything and everyone before us and to be grateful for their creation and presence.  Time to honour All and to see the Light in All... "The Light In Me Sees The Light In You".  May All be blessed.

Heather Home of 
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
offers wishes of blessings to each of you during this very sacred season.