Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The next broadcast of "The Etheric Home" show...

 "The Etheric Home" show

 Thursday, March 5th, 2015
1 - 2 pm EST

broadcasting through the facilities of...
CFFF 92.7 FM

Topic Of The Day:  Remembering Your Inner-Child Bliss
Host:  Heather Home of
"Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing"

With March Break just around the corner, we can allow our adult selves to be reminded of the blissfulness of childhood from the kids and their playtime.  Remember the grass beneath your feet?  Remember the easiness of following your heart for the day?

This broadcast will be offering a guided meditation on Remembering Your Inner-Child Bliss, as well as some inspirational points of interest, some selected readings-aloud from children's books, and some community events listings such as classes for the kiddies during the March Break.

Tune in and feel good!