Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring (Vernal) Equinox...

Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
wishes you all a very happy and productive
Spring (Vernal) Equinox.

May you wake and stretch and look forward to your up-coming astrological year, sweeping away the dreams and living in your creation.
On March 20th...

* @ 6:45 pm, EST... the Equinox... sun will be directly over the equator

* @ 5:37 am, EST... the Solar Eclipse... the sun will not be above the horizon at that time, in our area, but the energetic implications still apply to thaumeturgic practices

* @ 12:57 pm, EST... the Sun enters the house of Aries (beginning of the astrological year)... will stay for one month, then move into Taurus, etc.