Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I am now offering, for 30 minute appointments, Moon Goddess Chakra Readings. "Moon Goddess Oracle" cards are placed in a chakra spread, indicating what growth opportunities are being expressed by your energy centres. $25 / 30 minutes. Notes and copy of your spread are included.

Radio Show

This Saturday

November 3, 4-6 pm

on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

OGG Vobis or MP3...

Listen to local Light Workers Heather Home and Lucille Dawkins host a special program covering the topics of:

Meditation, Tarot & Intuitive Art !

Also: Sandra O'Brien, guest, will be offering info about Shamanism!

& a second guest speaker, Darlene McGann, will talk about our Dreams!

Questions, on air... call 748-4761

Monday, October 29, 2007


You can check another website with more info (and pics) about what I do...

-> "Message Board" ... do this twice
-> "Directory"
-> "Spirituality
-> "Tarot Reader" & "Intuitive Artist"

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Resources I Like...

My blog! But, also...

Book - by Steven D. Farmer, Ph.D., "Animal Spirit Guides"

Book - by Tara Ward, "Meditation & Dream Work"

Book - by Denise Linn, "Pocketful Of Dreams"

Book - by Anna-Marie Ferguson, "A Keeper Of Words" (Arthurian Tarot)

Book - by Louise L. Hay, "You Can Heal Your Life"

Group - Edgar Cayce study group, (705)939-2556

Group - Edgar Cayce Canada, 1510 Bird Lake Rd., R.R. 3, Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1X1, 1-866-322-8209, & "Open Road" magazine,

Bookstore - Edgar Cayce Canada Bookstore, 1-866-322-8209,

Book - "A Search For God, Books I & II" (Edgar Cayce readings used for study)

Group - A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment), & "Venture Inward" magazine, 1-800-333-4499, 215- 67th St., Virginia Beach, VA, 23451-2061,,

Magazine - "The Link",, e-mail:, 1-800518-4491

Store - Kindred Spirits & Seven-Light Centre, 342 Rubidge St, Peterborough, (Cox Terrace at Charlotte), 745-9818,

Centre - Peterborough Christian Spiritualist Centre, 441 Rubidge St., St. Andrew's United Church: side enterance, lower hall, 745-9071, (Guided Meditations, Spiritual healing, Proof of Survival {Psychic Readings from Spirit}, Guest Lecturers, Special Events)

Church - Unitarian Fellowship Church, 769 Weller St. (services held at Beth Isreal Synagogue), 741-0968

Television - Vision Television, in Peterborough Cogeco channel 24

Television - APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network), in Peterborough Cogeco channel 17

Book - by Paul Foster Case, "The Tarot"

ANYTHING by John Edward, psychic bulldog, important modern educator and all-round great guy... books, audio tapes, workshops, radio specials, t.v. specials & shows, educational & performing venues, Official Website:

Magazine - Harrowsmith Country Life,, 1-800-387-0581

Book - by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., "Angel Visions" (for the practical exercises listed at the back)

Book - by Sue & Simon Lilly, "Healing With Crystals & Chakra Energies"

ANYTHING by Shirley MacLaine... books & "Going Within" audio tapes & video

Book - by Whitley Strieber, "Breakthrough"

Anything that brings you closer to yourself... anything you are drawn to...

... the world is a big & wonderful place offering all kinds of interests. Trust your own mind & belief system. Take advantage of the Information Age.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bumper Sticker Wisdom...

God is too big for one religion!

Notice to those interested...

Sprititual Wellness & Readings Day

Sunday, October 21st, 12 - 5 pm

Knights of Columbus Hall, 317 Hunter St., West, Peterborough

Sponsored by the Peterborough Christian Spiritualist Centre

A day of the healing and spiritual arts: Reiki, Reflexology, Reconnection & Spiritual Healings, Tarot Readings, and Numerology Readings. Also: spiritually - related items for sale, as well as refreshments

Admission free... come & join us!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Story, My Path...

Wondering how Light Workers end up being Light Workers? It's different for everyone, as is all paths in life. Here's a very whittled-down version of mine...

A number of years ago, I was not only working in a well paying job, but was also offered the management position for our local branch. While I was delighted for the opportunity, it meant that I was required to put in long hours and to deal with a lot of stress. Determined, I threw myself into this work and was eager to prove myself, as most young people are when beginning their careers. The strain of the experience on my body, however, soon caused me dis-ease. I developed Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), a genetic illness which requires a trigger to bring it out of its dormancy. It is also one that worsens when those it effects make attempts to fight it through physical activity & prescription medications. So what did this mean for me?

I began my search for information and methods of healing. Thankfully I already had a foundation in my faith and this aided me significantly during such a difficult time. I also quickly aligned myself with knowledgeable and supportive people. I needed to stop working, however, and focus on healing. I was told, too, that there was no cure and not much chance for noteworthy improvement. Not acceptable! I am an avid believer in the power of faith and positive thinking and this was how I began my true start toward becoming the person I am and the work that I now do.

Law Of Attraction is with us at all times. I had needs to be met & met they were! Finances?...provisions were arranged! A safe & quiet resting place?... a home I could live in on my own! Physical healing?... suddenly I began hearing of Light Workers offering services that complimented my needs & I accepted their assistance! Personal responsibility?... I was frequently hearing of all kinds of spiritual & self-help groups and I began caring for myself by accepting their teachings! Meditation. Positive Visualizations. Expressing Myself. Healthy Eating. Changing My Energy! Everything I started asking for was coming to me!

With each year that has passed since then, I have gained further healing & have become the expert of my world, my body, my soul. I took classes. I participated in creative-based women's groups. I signed up for workshops. I attracted many friends who were equally as dedicated to improving themselves and the world around them. I accepted the guidance of wise ones and also moved away from negativity. I began leading rather than following. Teaching. Sharing. My intuitive nature, of which I had always been sensitive to since childhood, began blossoming in abundance, as did my health, my confidence, my wisdom and my joy.

Who am I now? I am a follower of my own bliss. This is no hippy-dippy notion and is not as simple as it sounds. It takes courage. It takes knowing yourself. It takes trust in the Divine and in Self. I am someone who is thankful for a dis-ease that changed my life, for change it it did. Because I have known loss, I appreciate abundance so much more and I am not wasting it. I take joy in my work (of which there is much!) and the friends I have made (of which there are many!). I actually stop to smell the roses. I work with children in creativity and they bring me no end of smiles and laughter... I spend much of my days smiling and laughing. I ensure myself a peaceful environment, many times each day, allowing myself to experience and develop harmony within. I am someone who is grateful and want more! I am someone who cares to share what I have received and, so, if you are reading this and any of it sounds like something you might want for your own life, please accept this blog as a resource. I will continue to post blessings for you to use as you like and am available on-going for appointments.

Wishing you Safety, Health, Comfort & Love. Heather Home

***NOTE: One of my strongest beliefs is that everyone is entitled to their own spiritual belief systems (or lack of). All appointments can be geared to your belief and I encourage you to discuss this with me so that information can be applied in the appropriate context.)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Looking for some guidance?... Tarot, I.A., Reiki & Meditation

Individual appointments available for:

Tarot Readings $45 (positive & unlimited)

Intuitive Art $30 (clairvoyant messages, plus your own painting based on your personal essence)

Reiki Healing, Level One (Practitioner) $35

Meditation Classes $25 / 4 Sessions & includes hardcover journal and hand-out notes
~Friday Evenings, 7 - 8:30, November 9, 16, 23, 30
~Friday Evenings, 7 - 8:30, January 11, 18, 25 & February 1st

Call Heather Home at (705)745-8815

Positive, Confidential & Always Interesting!


Quote of the day...

"Be careful with me, I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way.
We are everyday Angels. Be careful with me, I'd like to stay that way." - Jewel

Being sensitive DOESN'T mean you are weak but, rather, the opposite. It takes courage to allow our sensitivities. Socially, in family situations, work situations, in our relationships & with how we relate to everyone (and every thing), all. These require strength. If we maintain our ideal in being sensitive to all (including our Selves on every level) we find challenges. It's not always easy to allow ourselves this Grace. But what do we find when we actually manage it? Truth. Our Truth. Who we really are. And who we really are has so much value, so much to cherish & celebrate. Here is more truth... the more we allow ourselves to experience our sensitivities (PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM!) and the sensitivities of others, the more we become spiritually and healthfully aware & spiritually and healthfully strong. So let us give ourselves hugs everytime we realize that we have been sensitive. Celebrate that moment... and all the moments... as our way of accepting that we are pieces of the Highest Positive Power. When we do this, what honour we pay ourselves! So...


Let us think of the ways that we have been sensitive, of late. How have we felt about each of those instances? How have our bodies reacted? How have others around us reacted? Then, let us decide for ourselves if our sensitivities have had value as we see it. Let us decide for ourselves if being sensitive can actually take us further in our lives and along our spiritual path. According to OUR OWN individual ideals about who we really want to be in this world and how we really want others to see us and treat us, in what ways can our personal sensitivities help us to achieve those ideals. (When we come to the end of our lives and look back, in what methods of sensitivity do we want to see that we experienced and expressed?)Let us practice, as best we can at this current level of our development, Personal Responsibility. Let us act in our own truth. No hurt, no sin. There is no wrong answer nor wrong method of action. Let us be sensitive to our truth and feel comfort, strength and wisdom in who we are and what we want for ourselves. Blessings & Light!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Creative Energies

We are all familiar with creativity... painting, drawing, music, writing, singing, speech, birth, sculpting, etc. & etc. & etc.! Have we each, however, been aware of our own creative abilities? Too many times I have heard someone comment that they don't have a creative bone in their body. This is unfortunate as it simply is not true. EVERYONE has creative capabilities and it is in using these capabilities that we move forward in our lives & develop ourselves. Also unfortunate is the fact that too few people are aware of how our creativity actually affects us. Creativity brings us back to the awareness of who we truly are and this is so very important. (Not to mention the changes they bring about on a cellular level in our bodies.) So what if we've never had formal training in fine arts?! So what if we can't carry a tune?! We can still do these things that we enjoy (and can even choose to do them when no one else is around to witness) or, if we don't enjoy them, find ways of creative expression that DO make us feel good. How about putting together that seemingly complicated set of shelves we bought as a kit? How about transplanting that spider-plant into a larger pot? How about doodling on a scrap piece of paper while watching our favourite t.v. program that we just can't miss? When was the last time we actually coloured in a colouring book? [Side note to those who think that they might like to colour... many bookstores actually sell colouring books for grown-ups now, consisting of complex and intricate designs of which, in some cases, require far more focus and dedication than children are capable of. This, of course, does not mean that our Scooby-Doo & Micky Mouse colouring books are too immature for us adults. I say GO FOR IT!] These are all ways of using our creative energies and there are so, so many more to choose from. And you know what? Each and every time we do anything creative, we are actually getting back to knowing who we really are. How many of us have experienced those times when we just feel out of place or in a situation that is stressful or have gotten ourselves in over our heads and are concerned about how others may view us? When we recognize that we are having these experiences we can then turn things around by reminding ourselves of who we really are. We really are people who care... and hadn't actully intended to say those hurtful words and will rectify things. Or, we really are people who can be relied on... and could have planned our time-strategy better. Or, we really are more in control of ourselves and our personal wills... and just need to allow ourselves to stop what we are doing, at any given moment, and reasses what we really want in our lives and who we really want to be. Practicing our creative abilities on a regular basis and paying attention to what this does for us will lend itself to our skill levels in dealing with life. NO!... I'm not someone who can't use my voice for truth...I SING THE TRUTH ALL THE TIME WHEN I'M AT HOME! Or, NO!... I'm not someone who can't get myself and my spending under control... I PRACTICE CONTROL ALL THE TIME WHEN I'M BUILDING THINGS! This is who we are. So...


As we go through one day (or each day, if we like), let us make a list of all of the ways that we have used creative energies. And I mean EVERY way. At the end of the day, let us look back at our lists and truly recognize who we are and what our capabilities are. Then, let us smile and feel good and tell ourselves that we can remember this. We are great, creative beings and are moving towards being even more so!