Sunday, April 30, 2023

Navigating Mercury Retrograde...


Finding A Positive Spin When Mercury Retrogrades

by Heather Home, Light-Worker

I've written on this topic before, but since Mercury makes its retrograde so often, this tends to come up again and again.  For many believers in astrology we hear the repetitive banging of the gong... "Mercury retrograde... bad, bad, bad, hide, hide, hide".  I, however, like to find the positive in all things when possible, so, if you're interested in an adjusted viewpoint and saving grace, read on.

Okay, well, yes, about 3 - 4 times a year for about 3 weeks, we do seem to see an up-tick in challenges related to this busy little planet.  Things may not go as we planned, computers and things with working parts seem to have minds of their own, and we may hear stuff that we'd rather not hear.  There's no denying that life can get messy and frustrating from time to time.  That is life, however, as they say, and we can choose to hide away or we can find solutions and move forward.

Honestly, just as often, I've had wonderful experiences during Mercury Retrogrades.  When you are able to 'find flow' --- working with the all-mighty Universe rather than fighting against it --- you recognize that Nature knows what it is doing and brings balance to all things.  Retrogrades are times of either rest or going back and completing things left undone.  'GRACE' is a nice word I like to associate with these phases, be they with Mercury or any of the other planets.  Finding grace is a saving grace.

When it comes to Mercury specifically, I like to use this time to set boundaries, give myself some extra time to get projects done, plan some naps and walks, and make back-up plans so that I can practice patience and self-care during those oh-so-frustrating moments.  When I do this, I actually tend to find kindness and support from others who are of like mindedness.  In the past, before I learned this little trick, I found that I came up against more friction.  I'm a Taurus and an Ox, so I am fully capable of charging at a red cape when necessary, but most of the time I prefer to chill in the field, munch on the grass, and enjoy the sunshine.

This time around I'm using this phase to continue working on a massive project started a little more than a year ago.  I've informed those who need to be in the know so that I can allow myself the time needed to do it and to do it well, and they in turn have been kind and patient and treated me with respect.  With a second matter, there is a bit of a pesky fly to have to swat at, but it's not a new one and I've learned to stick to my plan whenever it comes up: communicate clearly, then go do something that allows me to reclaim my sense of well being.  I look forward to positive outcomes for both of these situations.  All in all, I have found that using grace to my advantage has been a game changer.

You too deserve the chance to take some time for yourself, to get caught up on whatever you'd like, to get out and enjoy the onset of spring, and to develop a rhythm that allows you to maintain your sense of self.  To all my fellow astrology believers, I send you wishes for much grace, peace, and a happy spring.