Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanks To The Peterborough Spiritualist Centre...

Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
wishes to extend THANKS to the
Peterborough Spiritualist Centre
for the invitation to act as guest speaker at last evening's Sunday Service.  There was a huge turnout and it was heartening to see so many familiar faces as well as so many new ones.

THANKS also to Rev. Dorothy Cox-Rothwell
for agreeing to team up, offering the guided meditation and to read from her book in which she wrote about her channelings with Mother Mary.

We were also blessed with the musical delights of Bobcaygeon musician Steve Clarke who played his guitar and guided us through some wonderfully up-lifting songs.

The free gift table went over well, many in the congregation were able to take home their selections of  books, tarot & oracle decks, stone healing eggs, smudge & feathers, jewelry, and more.  Many stayed to visit afterward, and it was so good to catch up with those well familiar and to get to know those newly introduced.  Gratitude is felt for this beautiful community, and blessings offered.

The topic of the evening had been
Gifts:  giving and receiving Spirit.
As we move into the holiday season and throughout the coming year, may we all remember that we are all connected.  Offering a small bit of ourselves to others and back to the Divine creates a world in which we can be proud of having co-created, and brings us fulfillment.

Lots Of Love & Light