Monday, July 22, 2019

Astrology & Numerology...

AstroNumero Certificates
by Heather Home, Light-Worker

One of my favourite "Mini Readings" to offer is to make up AstroNumero certificates for people.  This is the kind of thing that I looked for back in the days of my own youth, when I was just getting into this line of interest.  Horoscopes were always available in the newspaper (yes, back in the days of print), of course, but I wanted more.  I'd search for ways to learn more about my Sun Sign (Taurus), and then I'd also heard about Numerology and wanted to know what the numbers from my birth date and name (alphanumerically) meant for me.  

Decades later and with much more diverse spiritual interests and experiences, I still recognize that these options are a nice way to get started or to treat yourself... to dip the toe into the water, so to speak.  People still love to read their menus at the Chinese food restaurant, checking to see if their Chinese Astrological sign really does describe them, or to read their horoscope on line, or to buy fridge magnets with a few lines about their Sun Signs.  It's fun and interesting.

An AstroNumero Certificate (whether printed or digital) can be a nice treat for someone to have, whether for themselves or to get as a gift for someone else.  It says "Here is something deeper about you, and you are interesting".  They're fun.  They're cool.  They're a keepsake.  Not too long ago, I gifted one (printed to go into a frame) to my best friend for her newborn great-grandson, using the name and date of birth that she had shared in her announcement.  She loved it!  I was pleased.  For myself, I still keep the one I created with my own details back in the day --- it stays with my books next to my bed, and I refer to it any time I need a reminder of who I am.  I love it.

For more information, click on the 'Psychic Readings' tab at the top of my website.

Wishing One & All bliss as they journey along their roads of Self-discovery.