Monday, November 4, 2013

A fun Hallowe'en episode of "The Etheric Home" show...

Trent Radio Guests, Cameron Bagg and Sandra O'Brien
Thanks go out to the latest guests on
"The Etheric Home" show on
Trent Radio 92.7 fm...

Sandra O'Brien, Shaman & owner of 
The Peterborough Reiki Centre
Cameron Bagg, Haunt Scene Investigator,

during our special Hallowe'en episode.

Topic of the day was our connection to Spirits and how we each moved into this line of work through our initial personal experiences.  As you can see from the above photo, we also had a bit of fun with some dress-up get-ups...
Cameron as a "shadow-being" and Sandra as a "good witch".

To connect with Sandra O'Brien for:
* Psychic / Energy House cleanings
* Reiki appointments
* Shamanic services
* Nursing Foot Care
you can call 705-740-0533, find her on Facebook,
or e-mail her at

To connect with Cameron Bagg for:
* Haunt Scene Investigations
* Ghost Lecture Series
* Reiki services (free Reiki for the month of November)
* future group meet-ups involving HSI
you can find him on Facebook.