Thursday, April 18, 2013

"The Etheric Home" show... bringing positive power into your personal space...

Today was the final broadcast for this season of 
"The Etheric Home" show, with Heather Home,
broadcasting through the facilities of
Trent Radio CFFF 92.7 fm.

Today's theme was MOVING ON when Heather encouraged listeners to enjoy this new spring and the up-coming summer with whatever thrills them in the idea of... moving on!  Letting go / spring cleaning / recycling can be very freeing and makes room for the new of which you want to move on to / bring into your life.  Today's challenge... what are you ready to let go of and what are you ready to move on to??? Do it today, or at least make a dent in the process!

Heather will be moving on to enjoy the summer season hiatus and does plan to be back on air in the autumn with this great show focussing on the Spiritual, Arts & Health communities.

If you have a specific topic of interest for the show or know of someone who might make a great guest, you are welcome to contact Heather Home directly at 705-745-8815Trent radio, of course, continues programming 24/7... stay tuned!