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LoveRadioMeditations |
You're welcome to tune in next time, February 21, 12-1pm, when more tickets will be given away and there will be more noon-hour delights to experience!
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PsychicLoveReadings |
Last call to join in on the fun this weekend!
Psychic Valentine Love Readings
Using the suit of hearts from a regular deck of playing cards, spend the afternoon sipping tea, laughing & having fun with the ladies as you learn easy techniques to offer "Love Readings" to your friends. Supplies provided. Tea & nibblies. Gifts & a prize give-away!
$20 per person -- bring along your girlfriends!
Please call to register...
Offered by Heather Home,
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing
205 Sherbrooke St., Unit #4, Rear Building
Peterborough, Ontario
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Previous Interview on Radio, Jennifer Fullbrook |
Monday, February 11, 7 - 9 pm
--Guest Speaker--
Haunt Scene Investigator, Jennifer Fullbrook
Seen on television and heard on radio, Jennifer brings a unique perspective to this intriguing line of research. Her background includes training as an electrician and in bio-chemistry. She'll be bringing along all her fun techi-tool gadgets for us to check out and will share her insights.
Free Event! Coffee & Tea
Hosted by the Peterborough Psychic Experience Circle.
Hosted by the Peterborough Psychic Experience Circle.
205 Sherbrooke St., Unit #4, Rear Building
You can find, both, Jennifer Fullbrook and the P.P.E.C. on Facebook.
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Waving Squirrels Are Everywhere! Just Look! |
Here, Heather Home offers you a fun exercise in the effort to not dismiss what you see / experience (a must in the realm of spiritual / psychic development).
Squirrels actually wave to people all the time. Sound a little unbelievable? Chances are pretty good that you've actually seen them doing it dozens of times throughout your life but the part of your brain that dis-allows for the "strange" may have been blocking you from realizing it. (Think about the reports of the Native Americans when the first ships came sailing across the Atlantic -- they couldn't see them because the concept was just too unbelievable at the time.) This is a natural part of the brain's function, as an effort to protect us from what we are not ready for. If, however, you are looking to develop your awareness, practicing "Seeing" what you have difficulty conceiving of is actually of great importance.
A fun and easy way to gently move into this ability to start seeing what's around you is to practice watching squirrels and waiting to see one waving at you. They literally do do it all the time and humans tend to not even notice. (How Rude!) Perhaps give yourself some time to practice, maybe the next year or so. When you see them rise up onto their hind legs, stop and wait and see if they use one paw to wave to you. It can be quick and the mind will likely initially tell you that you didn't just see what you saw. See what you come up with. Not convinced? Use a search engine to find others who have witnessed it. Once Heather Home read about it (not until she was in her 30's) she began watching and, sure enough, it started happening regularly! Not only is it good practice for gaining control over your own powers of perception, but it's a great laugh, too! Enjoy!