Thursday, September 20, 2012

Season 5 of "The Etheric Home" show...

Psychic, Heather Home, during her season 5 opening broadcast.

 Hey folks! Yes, it's another season of broadcast for
Heather Home 
(of Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing).
"The Etheric Home" show
is now on every other Thursday, 12 -1 pm.

Today's broadcast included:
* Contest tickets given away for admissions to this weekend's "Psychic & Holistic Expo" in Port Hope, courtesy of ghost lecturer, Cameron Bagg of "The Haunt Club"
* Contest winners announced from this summer's poster contest for the newly-branded "Heather-Feather's Face Painting" (Heather's hobby business on the side)
* Events & Groups listings for the Spiritual, Arts & Health communities
* Music by Hawksley Workman, Jewel and some instrumental
* Reading from the books "Simple Wicca" by Michele Morgan, and "Do Dead People Watch You Shower?" by Concetta Bertoldi
* Thoughts around today's theme of "Autumn & Intuition"
* A short guided meditation on the same theme

You can catch "The Etheric Home" show on Trent Radio, CFFF 92.7 fm, or by going to