Wednesday, June 6, 2012

 Join us on
Monday, June 11, 2012
for a group walk along
Peterborough's "Ghost Road"!
(Rain-date Monday 18)

Psychic Experiment Circle
is planning a fun field trip and we invite anyone and everyone to come meet up with us and find out what all the fuss is about on what has been named the "Ghost Road" for our area.  Many have been hearing about it but haven't yet gone.  We're going!  You're welcome to come too!

Our expedition will take place during the evening while there is still daylight, so this will not likely be an overly spooky experience.  There have been many reports, here, of other types of paranormal activity beyond ghosts, such a Faerie-lights & Elementals / Nature Spirits, energy portals, energy imprints, etc.  Lots of opportunities for you to see what you intuitively "pick up".  You are also welcome to bring along your camera, video or audio equipment... you never know what you might luck out and catch!  Also, it really is just a nice beautiful walk along a country road, for those nature-lovers... views include forest, field, marsh and river!

Carpooling will be offered for those who need it (pending spaces available).  We will first be meeting at 7 pm at 205 Sherbrooke St. in Peterborough, rear building, unit #4 (Heather Home's name is on the buzzer) and we will be leaving soon after.  The drive is about 10 minutes or so and we will be heading to Bartlett Road out near the Cassino.  For those wishing to just head direclty there on their own, you are looking for Highway 28 to Moncrief Line or Whitfield Rd. near the Cassino.  Bartlett runs between Moncrief and Whitfield, parallel to Hwy 28. We will likely park at the corner of Bartlet and Moncrief, but if you don't see us there, try the corner of  Bartlett & Whitfield.  

Please ensure that you bring super-comfortable footwear as the road is approximately 2 hours of walking ( one hour each way ) though you are not expected to go the whole way before turning back.  Also consider:  a jacket for weather, water bottle, bug spray, bear spray, walking stick or anything else you might take on a long walk in the evening.  Be advised that there are no rest-rooms available on this road.

Meet some fun and interesting people or bring your own fun and interesting people!
Hope to see you there!

For carpooling or more information, contact Heather Home of
Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing at

Curious about what the Psychic Experiment Circle is?  Continue scrolling down to read more.

Interested in
Psychic Development?

Come and have fun with Pendulums;
Aura-Photography;  Astrology;  Dreams;  Telekinesis;  or any
 other area of the paranormal / metaphysical realm!
Opportunities for research, open-minded discussions, and
 occasional field-trips.  Explore your truth.

Free Group to Join:    The Psychic Experiment Circle
Meets Mondays, 7 – 9 pm
205 Sherbrooke St.,  Downtown Peterborough

Call To Register First Time Out

Facilitated by Heather Home, of
“Light-Worker Psychic Readings & Energy Healing”.
Safe people.  Safe experiments. 
 Welcome Newbies, Curious & Seasoned alike!