Friday, February 3, 2012

+ ( PLUS )


Join Heather Home on the radio during the noon hour, this coming Monday, February 6, 2012, for a warming meditation about the heart and love for the world around us.

"I Love The Whole World"

*imagining singing that campfire song*


In addition to the guided meditation, she'll also be reading about love, talking about love, playing music about love, and feeling love for all those listening. [insert smiles here] What a way to get into the SEASON OF HEARTS! You can also count on those local events listings, too, for the spiritual, arts, and health communities, as always. You'll be feeling groovy and so happy to be moving into another work week... really?... YES!!! Grab your loved one, a neighbour, a co-worker, whomever might enjoy some time with you, and tune into "The Etheric Home" show, so Heather can help... "bring positive power into your personal space".

You can hear Heather on the radio at 92.7 FM

through the facilities of Trent Radio CFFF,

or live streaming at,

or on the Galaxy Cable channel # 287.