Monday, November 29, 2010

"Hauntline" with Cameron Bagg...

Heather Home of Light Worker Healing & Readings
has been asked, tentatively, to be a guest on an up-coming episode of "Hauntline" with Cameron Bagg on Cogeco Community Channel on
Wednesday, December 8th 9 - 10 pm.

Hauntline is a live call-in program dealing with all things of a ghostly nature.

At this point, discussion is in the works around the topic of energies... how they can be used psychicly, in healing and, of course, how they relate to ghosts! Stay tuned for up-dates. You MAY be able to get more information by going to host, Cameron Bagg's website at or at Cogeco

Heather is quite excited about the opportunity and looking forward to learning more about this topic and sharing what info she knows.

In Peterborough, the Cogeco Community Channel is on Cable 10.