The upcoming broadcasts of "The Etheric Home... bringing positive power into your personal space" are as follows...
Thursdays @ 5:30 - 6 pm, on Trent Radio 92.7 FM
-Feb. 5... special guest Donna Bedore, conversing with Heather about their up-coming March Break program for kids, as well as Donna's background in Reiki, child psychology, etc. and her contact info
-Feb. 19... guided meditation on healing the body & soul
-Mar. 5... special guest
-Mar. 19... guided meditation
-Apr. 2... special guest
-Apr. 16... guided meditation & final broadcast for the season, hopefully to be picked up again in the Autumn
& don't forget to stayed tuned after the show to hear events listings in the Spiritual, Arts, & Health communities, during the "Smooth Operator" show from 6 - 6:30 pm.