Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Little About Reiki Healing...

An Eastern healing technique used to allow the human body (as well as animals and plants) to "heal itself" by gently removing blockages through the use of energy channeling and guidance. By accessing this unlimited "Universal Energy" or the "Reiki Ray", a practitioner can assist a client to re-focus and bring about natural balance of the body and spirit (which also includes mind and emotion).

It works in a similar way to when human bodies can naturally heal a cut on our hand... if only the wound can be cleaned and provided with the appropriate energies (air, protective barrier, nutrients). When we have other wounds or dis-eases of the body or soul, we need to do what we can to promote optimum advantages for this self-healing. Reiki can "clean away" what prevents us from healing, sets up protective energies, and directs the wonderful, unlimited Universal Energy to provide healing as needed.

I t does not replace the appropriate care of certified doctors and healthcare practitioners, nor the treatments that these professionals provide. Reiki is a wonderful tool that can be used in a complimentary manner along with convetional healing practices from qualified practitioners. It should not be used to the exclusion of common sense.

Fees are a necessary tool to help assure the practitioner is not wasting their time and effort with clients who are not really ready to heal... not many people wish to throw money away on something they don't believe in or don't believe they can use. A fee is also a means that can be used for the client to show appreciation to the practitioner for what they are offering, as clients participate in an ENERGY EXCHANGE (a responsibility of both client and practitioner according to Reiki principals... money exchanged for services is a type of energy exchange). Many practitioners are quite comfortable in bartering for services, rather than always using money, as this is also a type of energy exchange. Fees are set by each practitioner, based on their experience level, amount of time spent with clients, local norms, or even what may come to them during meditation. The regular income of each client can be a factor as well, as people earning a highter income could show appreciation in a different way thatn could a client of lower or no income. Reiki healing is for all those truly wishing to balance all levels of their health, regardless of any social status or income level or level of capability. Researching the various fees of different practitioners is probably a good idea.