Monday, July 18, 2011

Special benefits for Cosmic Hoboes members...

(Heather and fellow Hoboes posing as the gang from Hogwarts... just kidding.)

Light Worker Healing & Readings

is happy to announce sponsorship of prizes to be awarded tomorrow evening, Tuesday July 19, 2011 at one of the late showings of the new film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. These prizes will be awarded to the first 3 members of the local Cosmic Hoboes club (paid membership required to win a prize) who show up with the group either in appropriate costume or with something Harry Potter or magic-related on their persons. Be creative! Be clever! Be on time! Show time to be announced through group relations.

Prizes include:

1) "Defense against the dark arts class" theme pack... an assortment of black candies including licorice and dark chocolate, plus a Professor Snape collectable

2) "Transfiguration class" theme pack... assorted Hallowe'eny-type items including glow sticks, candles, a rubber bouncing eyeball and a REAL piece of fool's gold in a purple velvety bag

3) "The Owlry" theme pack... assorted owl-related items including a Hedwig collectable, some owl-packaged chocolate buttons (from the UK Shoppe... thanks to owner and Hoboes member, Richard), and more!

+++ any other members showing up will receive ghost-packaged mints!

Want to learn how to become a member of the Cosmic Hoboes or to find out more about the group?...

Contact Heather at 705-745-8815

and she, in turn, will hook you up with group contact info.

Pre-Congratulations go out to winners!

See ya at the movies!

Friday, July 1, 2011

With Love...

In memory of my beloved little witchy kitty,
Baz Home,
who just recently joined the world of Spirit,
I wanted to share with all of you my happiness at having had the supreme honour of spending 19 years with such a magnificent soul. She was, without question, an absolutely marvelous being.

Gifted in psychic and healing abilities; beautiful; intelligent; loving; humorous; feisty when appropriate, a docile fuzzball most of the time; active to the end; ...she even smelled good when I'd nuzzle my face into the side of her neck.

I couldn't even guess at how often she would intuitively know when energy work was being performed in another room --- she would come trotting out and would always want to help or at least hold space. Her eyes always told stories of having lived many lifetimes and of the great wisdom and knowledge she must hold. I know that she is moving on to do important work, while still checking in on myself and others, of course.

She was well loved by my many friends, relatives and clients, many of whom would often ask after her and some of whom have been kind enough to send sympathy cards and telephone messages of well wishes. I miss her so much but feel such gratitude for our bond and her continued love.

The laughter and smiles, too, I am grateful for... the many times she'd proven just how magnificent she was...
such as the countless times she would manage to break into the cat food cupboard though I had tried 3 different locks to keep her out and though I never discovered how this little cat thief was pulling it off as she would perform the trick when I wasn't looking (and would stop mid-attempt as soon as I would peek to try to watch)...
and such as the first day we got her as a teeny-tiny 6 week kitten ( runt of the litter) and she would keep our large dog, Worf, on his toes with stealth swats and hasty retreats...
how she would find the one itty-bitty scrap of paper on a wide expanse of clear floor and decide that it was absolutely necessary to sit on it for awhile...?why... no idea, but obviously important...
the tilt of the head and the patient seat she would keep when her every instinct would urge her to hunt the lonely little bug making its way across the summer kitchen floor but her higher ascended soul would permit her to do no such thing...
the number of spots that were "hers" and, of course, it was understood by all (she decided to visit some of her older ones -- the spots she hadn't used in awhile -- on her final night on this plane, perceiving that it would be her final opportunity...
how she would telepathically let me know her thoughts and needs...
how she could be so soft and cuddly and caring with myself and my guests, but always at the ready to let any vet technician know that she would be loudly removing one of their limbs if they so dared to do whatever might displease her (I was always truly proud of the gumption of this little old lady -- well over 100 in human years -- and I always smiled and laughed to hear the threats coming from down the back hall of the office, following with a mental
"you go girl")...

so many, so many...

She was not my pet. She was my daughter, my child. My healing partner in love and light. She joined me in this life during June of 1992. She left me June of this year, 2011. Both Junes held the same types of 3 separate eclipses, which had not happened during the years between. My cosmic kitty, I know, had and still has far greater power, gifts and importance than even I am able to perceive... THIS, I have to trust in as I allow her to go forward, though I ache to do it. I smile at knowing how special her soul is and just how lucky I have been.

I offer this opportunity, to all of you who read this, to send out your well wishes and THANKS to Baz and to all the souls of animals, both living and in spirit, as they all make a difference to our world and the worlds beyond. Pay special attention to your animal companion for they are magical in their own right and take their life purposes seriously. Appreciate every moment.

I love you, Baz.
Thank you so much.

I also wish to send out a special "Thank You" to all the staff of the Peterborough Pet Hospital on Lansdowne E.
Dr. McDermid has been the perfect vet any lover of animals could wish for and the entire staff has always been incredibly supportive and caring. I send out Universal Blessings to these Angels on Earth and to all who assist in providing Safety, Health, Comfort and Love to our animal friends and their humans.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Best of wishes to you, ladies!!!

Thanks so much to the women of

Canadian Fertility Consultants

for inviting Heather Home, of

Light Worker Healing & Readings,

to lead staff members through a

Vision Board Workshop.

Vision boards assist us to focus on goals & the law of attraction by use of expression of wish fulfillment and positivity. As we begin to consider what is attainable or achievable, beyond what we currently have, we open up & give ourselves permission to allow ourselves to fulfill those wishes.

If you are interested in arranging for a workshop for your staff or group, or to come and learn as an individual, you are welcome to contact Heather Home directly at


If you would like to contact the

Canadian Fertility Consultants,

you can reach them at

40 Main St. Box 784
Brighton, ON, Canada, K0K 1H0


Ask the Universe. Law of Attraction will bring it!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Private Appointments Available...

Interested in receiving timely guidance for your

*love life?



*etc. ?

Call Heather Home of Light Worker Healing & Readings to book your appointment.

Services & Fees Guide listed in coloumn at the right side of your screen.



Also available,

as well as gift certificates!!!

This Weekend...

Heather Home of Light Worker Healing & Readings is proud to announce her personal support of the annual Peterborough Wellness Expo coming this weekend. Heather will be in attendance as a volunteer ( and also intends to sneak in some time for a massage and some shopping at exhibitors booths ). She'll also be offering a limited # of free bookmarks and discount cards from Light Worker Healing & Readings. Come on down to the Expo for a sensational event!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

10 am - 4 pm

Evinrude Centre, Monaghan Rd., Peterborough

Admission $5, children under 12 free with an adult

Free Parking

Thanks so much...

Heather Home would like to extend a "Thank You" to TV Cogeco, Peterborough and Cameron Bagg of "Hauntline". In addition to the previously mentioned invitation, during their past season Heather was also invited to be a guest on a live episode, to participate in discussion about dreams, and even appeared on a third episode during a short pre-recorded segment involving information she picked up during an HSI (haunt scene investigation). Sincere appreciation and gratitude is expressed for the fantastic opportunity to participate in HSI research & intuitive development, as well as a fantastically unique, educational and entertaining show. Kudos to host Cameron Bagg and the production team --- Hope to see another season!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Catch ya in the fall...

Thanks so much to guest Linda Devine of the Peterborough Wellness Expo for joining me on today's broadcast of The Etheric Home show... bringing positive power into your personal space. Today was the final broadcast for the season --- we'll be back again in the autumn!!!

Peterborough Wellness Expo
Saturday, May 7, 2011
10 am - 4 pm
*guest speakers
*over 80 exhibitors
*special demos & events
*free parking
Admission $5, children under 12 free with adult

For more info on the Wellness Expo, you can go to...

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Etheric Home...

Hope you all enjoyed today's broadcast of "The Etheric Home" show and received some ... positive power into your personal space... Today's meditation was about connecting with your stones / crystals. Thanks so much to the Peterborough Gem, Mineral & Fossil show for sending us some tickets to give away on Trent Radio!!! The show was fantastic, as usual (yes, Heather Home and colleagues attend every year). Join Heather again, Monday morning 10 - 11, March 21 for another broadcast. You can get Trent Radio, locally in Peterborough, at 92.7 fm or on line at

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thanks so much...

Special guest Cameron Bagg is extended a sincere THANK YOU for sharing his insights and information about GOAL PLANNING on today's boadcast of "The Etheric Home" show on Trent Radio. Cameron is a return guest, television personality, and Employment Consultant / Life Coach.

Cameron is leading a comprehensive workshop on goal planning...
Saturday, March 5, 2011
1 - 4 pm ? --- Contact for time confirmation.
Peterborough Public Library, downstairs, Aylmer St.
Cost: $25
Contact: Cameron Bagg 705-745-5588

Join Heather Home again at 10 - 11 am, in two weeks (Monday, March 7, 2011) for another broadcast, this time with a guided meditation. You can listen on the radio at CFFF 92.7 FM, or you can get it live steaming at


Monday, February 7, 2011

Thanks so much to Jeanne Thompson, professional numerologist, for joining me on today's show. The theme was LOVE, being that this was the pre-Valentine Valentine's Day broadcast. Jeanne shared with us what to be looking at for February 14, 2011 and, both she & I read our LOVE POETRY and talked about love in its various forms.

If you are interested in meeting Jeanne and learning about NUMEROLOGY, you can sign up for her workshop...

Topic: Numerology Daily Planner Workshop
Date: February 23, 2011
Time: 7 - 9:30 pm
Location: Hopkins Ave, Peterborough, Ontario
Fee: $35
Bring: your own 2011 calendar
Contact: 705-745-9071

For more info about Jeanne L. Thompson and her services, you can check out her website at

Join me again, every other Monday morning from 10 - 11 for The Etheric Home show... bringing positive power to your personal space, on Trent Radio 92.7 fm