Scroll below to view 2 photos taken during a) a psychic reading & b) an HSI.
An up-date on the hand-prints image has been received. It has been further confirmed that there were actual hand prints on the wall tiles matching the image caught in the snapshot. Created by an etheric entity or actual human? The manager at the HS location feels that they may have been created by human hands (living) while someone leaned against the wall. This may certainly be the case. It is being recommended that the wall be wiped clean and to check back regularly to see if any other prints appear. There has been regularly reported paranormal activity in this particular room, but that does not rule out the human factor, of course.
The photo that mysteriously showed up on a digital camera during a day of psychic readings remains unexplainable.
The image above was taken during the same HSI as the hand prints, though in a different area of the building. Orbs show up frequently in photos due to any number of reasons, mostly dust and play of light, etc. Occasionally an orb that is unusual will show up and this will lead to questions about what has caused it. This orb in particular is remarkable in that it showed up on two different cameras during the same HSI! Same shape, same image, same colouring, etc. It contains the image of a woman's face, in the centre, staring off to the right. Or perhaps you may see something different? There was a reported female entity by one of the Energy Workers (psychics) who came along during the HSI. No confirmation has yet been received as to whether the two photos were taken in the same area of the building or if the face is recognized.
Check back to this blog to find out if future HSI photos will be offered for your contemplation.
If anyone knows of valid, local scientific research being conducted in the Peterborough area, Heather Home of Light Worker Healing & Readings is interested in finding out about it and, perhaps, even participate, depending on the validity. Please call direct at 705-745-8815 with any information you may have. Thank you.