The latest from my Instagram posts. Finding your own special way to flow in your spiritual practices can be an incredible, feel-good journey. You are wished many blessings. Enjoy...
Meditation & Prayer Prompts
What is your prayer and meditation practice like? What aspects of it make you the happiest? Canada is a multi-cultural country intended to be one of sharing and healthy diversity. I am fortunate to be included in an array of spiritual communities in love and light, and enjoy feeling lifted. I view all forms of positive faith as healthy, and each type of other-worldly being as one of the many faces of God (or Source) so to speak.
Sri Ganesha is one of my favourite deities to pray to and work with. As a lightworker and a creative I very much am in line with the principles he embodies, and I have been blessed to feel his guiding strength and kindness.
If you enjoy meditation or prayerwork, I invite you to follow along with this video slideshow (click the Youtube button) I have created with 30 second prompts. I also send you wishes for a blessed day and night ahead.
#ganeshameditation #meditationprompts #prayerprompts #ganesh #ganeshablessings #lightworkers #meditation
Positive Tarot
I have always found tarot to be immensely enjoyable and a positive tool to work with. While I am far from perfect, tarot has been a tool that has aided me in flowing with the divine goodness that life can bring, ever working toward growth, enlightenment, and love.
In what ways have you been using your tarot, and do you enjoy focusing on positivity and betterment?
While we are taking a break from our free weekly tarot group for the summer, there are options for customized tutorials, workshop parties, and self-development year 'round.
See this page's web tabs for contact and other info.If you would like to join us in the fall, please feel free to reach out and request that you be added to the group’s email list.
#positivetarot #tarotpractices #tarotcards #tarotreading #lightwork #lightworkers #energyflowswhereattentiongoesReiki & Prayer Lists
Who do you wish well? As a lightworker, prayer, meditation, and energywork are all practices I participate in throughout the course of each day. It feels wonderful to me when I am in flow with good vibes. As part of my practice I enjoy journalling and list-making, focusing energy flow and requesting divine blessings.
You are welcome to reach out with any names or reiki / prayer lists you would like to add to my lists and attentions.
If you enjoy meditation, energywork, or prayerwork, I invite you to join me in spreading light like one candle to the next. Feel free to bookmark the special page of my website dedicated to this lightwork, coming back as often as you like to work with the updated list. This list is ongoing.
See this web page's 'Reiki Grid & Prayers' tab.
Sending you wishes for a blessed day and night ahead.
#reikiblessings #prayerwork #prayerlists #lightwork #lightworkers #meditation #energyflowswhereattentiongoes
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