Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Learn To Offer Psychic Love Readings!

February Is LOVE Month!

Learn To Offer Psychic LOVE Readings!

💗 Use tarot or a regular deck or playing cards.
💗 Private tutorials and workshops available.
💗 Love and relationship readings are highly popular among clients of psychics.
💗 Learn to read for yourself or to build your lightworker business.
💗 Many other classes, readings, and lightworker services available.
For more information: click the 'Classes' tab at the top.
Sign-Up: 'Contact' tab at the top.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Another Season Of Free Tarot Classes

Thursdays 6:30 - 8 PM EST
Winter / Spring Season 2024

First Night Back:
Thursday, January 18th
Relaxed socializing + mini readings for ourselves & each other.

February - May:
See class schedule above.

These classes are suitable for anyone at any level.  Join us via Zoom (fresh Zoom link sent out prior to each class).

Sign Up:
'Contact' tab above.

Also Available:
- Tarot Practice Nights: organized by some of the students outside of class.
- Our closed Facebook group: available for current class members only.
- Private Tutorials / Workshop Parties:  See 'Classes' tab above.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

New Psychic & Astrology Services!

There are exciting things happening here!

The Psychic Readings Page Has Been Updated

Now You Can Find:
  • New Psychic & Astrology Services
  • Continued Popular Live Psychic Readings, Full & Mini Sessions, Packages, & More
  • New Subscriptions
Click the tab above for details.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Unique Holiday Gift Giving --- GIFT CARDS for Psychic Readings, Astrology Services, Meditation Guidance, Magical Workshops...

GIFT CARDS for a Psychic Reading, Astrology Service, Meditation Guidance, or Magical Workshop, are a super unique gift to give at any time. Cards are available in Digital or Cardstock w/ envelope, and can be filled out either by $ Value (your recipient selects their own service), or by Service ($ Value is hidden). Get in touch to arrange for yours. Blessings to you all, and Happy Holidays.

See the tabs above for Services & Contact


Save Today, Last Day, Psychic Readings @ 2023 Savings...

Today is the last day to book appointments at the 2023 fees. Starting tomorrow, December 1st, fees will be readjusted. If you'd like to save a little this season, you're welcome to get in touch today to book your session in advance at today's $ value. This includes GIFT CARDS made out by Service. Blessings to you all, and Happy Holidays. 🌟🙏🌟


Monday, November 27, 2023

Free Psychic 'New Year' Messages...

Tuesday, December 5th @ 7 PM EST

- Event will be recorded for 2 purposes:

- for my own learning needs, practicing with my new camera set-up that will allow clients to also see the cards that come up for them
- to be used in the 2nd or 3rd episode of a new series of videos I'm launching on my Light-Worker Youtube channel (in clips or as a whole... to be determined during editing), which will be released sometime during the next few months
- 'New Year' messages for every participant, running at approximately 5 minutes per person. These messages will focus on positive opportunities rather than any fortune telling, and your privacy will be taken into consideration in the group setting as well as during editing for the Youtube episode --- if you feel that any part of your message relates to anything overly private, please feel free to let me know and I will be sure to edit out that portion of the session.
- I'm aiming for approximately 30-40 minutes for the group reading, depending on the number of participants. Please sign in to the Zoom a few minutes early and remain until the group reading is completed so that others are not disturbed during their messages. Thanks so much!
- The invitation to participate will be put out publicly, and the number of participants will be limited in selection so as to keep the group reading to 30-40 minutes.
Heather Home, Light-Worker
* 705-745-8815
* Contact Form in tabs above*
*Remember to check your Promotions & Spam folders if you don't see a reply within 24 hours.


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Speaking At The Peterborough Spiritualist Centre...

Sunday, November 19th @ 7 PM EST

Heather Home will be guest speaking during Sunday Service at the Peterborough Spiritualist Centre.  Her talk will be on the topic of

 Sunday Services for the centre are currently being held on Zoom, and you can access the link by going to their website at 

New For December 1st, 2023...

Fees for readings and services will be updated as of December 1st 2023.  Any gift cards purchased by service and appointments booked by November 30th will be honoured, even if for a future date.  Cards by dollar amount are exempt from offer.
New services will be rolling out in the new year!  Exciting things are happening here.  Thanks for your patience as the website continues to receive a fresh face.
Gift cards are available by service with the dollar value hidden or by dollar value and the recipient selects the service.  Available in digital card format or cardstock format with envelope.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Prayers & Reiki For Peace, Unity, Harmony, Wholeness...

 A prayer & reiki list can be found in the tabs above.  If you, your pet, or someone you know is in need of prayer and / or reiki, please feel free to send names or initials via email, the Contact Form, or call and leave a message.  If you are someone who enjoys sending prayers and / or reiki in light & love, I invite you to send on behalf of those on the list.  List is updated regularly.

A gentle plea for the Peace & Unity, Peace & Harmony, Peace & Wholeness that our world needs and deserves.
With every step we take toward Light & Love, we understand a little more that we are all one. May peace be upon you and yours.
In whatever relationships you have, you and yours deserve peace in your hearts, your minds, your souls. May peace be upon you, and may your light be shared with others.
Whatever your Trinity might be, be it Maiden-Mother-Crone, Father-Son-Holy Ghost, or any other blessed covey, you and yours deserve peace in your hearts, your minds, your souls. May peace be upon you.
For those who enjoy sending Reiki, prayers, and any form of healing vibes, I invite you to join me in radiating peace in our world, with each other, and to those on prayer lists everywhere.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Taurean Planting Ritual October2023, Silent

My latest Youtube video. Celebrating all the wonderful celestial events and the thinning of the veil this end-of-October.