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wishes one and all the happiest of Blood Moons.
During this MOON PHASE --- known in some nature-based faiths as THE BLOOD MOON, or ANCESTRAL MOON (not to be confused with a blood moon which is rusty in colour) --- we take time to appreciate what God / Goddess / The Universe / Mother Nature provides us in bounty and in family connections.
We are getting ready for the cold months and it is now that we need to come together for prosperity and survival. Perhaps we share what we have with those we love. Perhaps we require guidance from our Loved-Ones-Crossed-Over who still look out for us from the Other Side. Perhaps we wish to honour those who will follow us and so make ready a legacy for when we finish our days upon the earth. Whatever is our need at this time, we naturally notice that abundance is coming to an end and it is with our kin (or with those we claim as family) that we will persevere.
As the days grow colder and our homes become dryer with man-made heat or with a fire burning in the wood stove, something seems to shift with the energies around us. The veil between worlds seems to thin somewhat, and our ancestors in spirit get another chance to let us know that they are still with us, along with all of the spirits of the trees, flowers, animals and beings who have since passed into another dimension. They speak to us. They share with us. We all celebrate our connection together.
image credit: Tarot by Anna K