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Ancestral Path Tarot, by Julie Cuccia-Watts |
Every Psychic / Intuitive / Sensitive has their own ways of receiving the information they do. I believe strongly that this is dependent upon each individual's body systems and energy systems. Much the same as in any other profession or proclivity, our bodies and minds affect (or even dictate) what we are able to do and where our limits lay. Some people are naturally good at math, or ballet, or recognizing who is safe or not safe to be around. Everyone is good at something, and we all have our limitations. For example, I myself am a mere 5 foot 3 inches, and crave on any good day to curl up with a book and a cup of tea... there is no way I will ever be a professional basketball player sought after by the big teams. On the other hand, I was always very good at both math and art when I was in school... I seemed to be built for these things.
Within the world of psychic-work, we rely on what we are good at to perform. Each practitioner uses their natural gifts and aptitudes to receive their information. For some, their background includes the craving to be part of others' lives and to know what's going on with them --- perhaps coming from a large, involved family has helped them to develop this kind of sensitivity and so their "psychic antenna" is constantly on the lookout in this regard. For others, they're interests have always involved geometry and sciences, and they tend to pick up messages regarding sacred patterns, Merkabas, mandalas, and such. Yet others are very tuned in to Nature, feeling their information through their environment and recognizing signs. On and on, there are a vast number of ways in which to connect to the great Source that offers us guidance, growth, and love.
As mentioned, I myself seem to be built for using both hemispheres of my brain --- the right for intuitive / artistic senses, and the left for maths and logic. Somehow, these aptitudes seem to come together within me to assist me in my Readings. Regardless of the type of Reading I am doing, I seem to do best if I use some type of creative component to get me started... to act like a diving board to get me into the water, so to speak. This could be Intuitive Art, Automatic Writing or, what I use most often when trying to pack a lot of information into a set time frame for an appointment, cards with images already on them, whether they be Tarot or Oracle. The images, colours, lines, light & shadow, stimulate whatever part of the brain does this work. Once the right side of my brain is getting into its groove, the left then kicks in to contribute with Numerology, Intuitive Astronomy, and helping to add everything up to come to a sum that makes some reasonable sense. While there is still much research to be done on exactly what is happening within us and how it is being done, and while psychics are, indeed, humans who cannot possibly be 100% correct 100% of the time, it is clear that our aptitudes and proclivities play into our abilities to pick up what we do.
I often receive questions from clients and others who are curious about how Readings are performed. In truth, there is no one way for everyone... it's just not possible... we are all different. I thought, however, that I would use this week's blog post to share a little about how I, myself, work and what clients will likely see when they come for a session. If I'm doing an Intuitive Art Reading, the client will likely be sitting in silence while I tune in to their colours, auras, timelines, Guides, and more, and then I will paint or draw what I am seeing. During Mediumship Readings, I find I do best with Automatic Writing and scribbling. For Chakra Readings and Life Path Readings --- the two Readings that majority of my clients seem to come for, I begin with laying out either Tarot cards or Oracle cards and then take things from there. Over the years I have collected a number of lovely decks with artwork that thrills me and feeds my senses and soul. During the three levels of courses I took in Tarot, I learned on one particular deck. Some collected decks I save for use just for myself, or to bring out when getting together with friends of like mind. Others I will use with clients for a phase... I seem to get on a kick with them for a while... and then I give them a break and put them away for a bit. For today, I'll share examples from three decks that I am currently using most often.
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The Moon Oracle By Caroline Smith and John Astrop |
The cards at the top of today's post are from the Ancestral Path Tarot by Julie Cuccia-Watts. My mother very kindly gifted this deck to me years ago and I loved that the imagery was similar in it's symbolism to the Rider Waite deck (which I learned on), yet with a wide range of culturally rich themes. It's so beautiful and accepting of all walks of life, and I find that I am currently relying on this deck most often to get me started in my Life Path Readings.
Next is The Moon Oracle by Caroline Smith and John Astrop. This deck was a gift from a client way back when I first started this work. It is mainly Goddess-based and over the years I have found that a section of the cards really works well for me when I'm getting started with a Chakra Reading. It's bright colours and numerological and astrological attributes lend wonderfully in partnership when I'm tuning in to a clients chakra systems.
Lastly, here is Legend The Arthurian Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson. Based on the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table, I purchased this gem for myself years ago as a treat. It's beauty and mysticism enchanted me immediately and I had used it primarily for quite a long time. Even now, I still bring it out when doing a Couple's Reading (it's quite romantical), or if I need extra cards during any other type of Reading.
I'll be sure to share more decks in the future and to write again on various aspects of performing Psychic / Intuitive work. In the meantime, I always welcome questions (I never charge to have a conversation with someone --- it's so very important for us to support each other in our intuitive development, and also to help potential clients to have an idea of what they are signing up for when coming for a session) and am happy to provide what answers I can by phone, email, or Facebook video chat. I send you all wishes for loveliness and warmth as we move into these chilly November days.